Example sentences of "that it should [be] " in BNC.

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1 It seems appropriate that the language of Four Quartets should enter the novel at one point — appropriate , too , of course , that it should be mocked .
2 The solution to ‘ He was not really afraid of any landlady ’ might appear to be that we have here a masked first-person avowal , and that it is simply an indication of Dostoevsky 's boldness that it should be surrounded by authorial statements which are firmly outside and ( so to say ) on top of Raskolnikov in the classical omniscient third-person mode : for example , information about his poverty , irritable frame of mind , withdrawal from society , his ‘ not naturally timorous and abject ’ disposition .
3 But her concept of criticism was that it should be elucidatory and illuminating rather than evaluative .
4 Those who attack the Senate say that it should be abolished , that it is useless and corrupt .
5 Emma Nicholson , Conservative MP for Devon West and Torridge , has lobbied that it should be , and for prison sentences of up to 10 years for culprits .
6 Corpus Christi College made the suggestion that he should sleep in Corpus but take his meals in his old college of Magdalene ; a proposal so bizarre that it should be accounted for by a motive , not to have at dinner a famously silent person , imagined as a wet blanket .
7 And , the way things had been going for Gerhard Berger , it was perhaps no surprise that it should be his McLaren which would suffer that fate .
8 ‘ Cricket ’ , remarked Pelham Warner sternly , ‘ is not a circus , and it would be far better that it should be driven back to the village green … than yield a jot to the petulant demands of the spectator . ’
9 This is how monarchs and their families have lived for generations , without ever questioning that it should be so .
10 As every woman knows , her hair is her crowning glory , or rather she knows that it should be , but there are those of us who are unhappily aware that , too often , our looks fall down on the job .
11 How curious that it should be enshrined in the Companies Act .
12 The changes required are not so great that it should be rejected outright .
13 The idea was that it should be directed by Jon Amiel , who directed Singing Detective and never got much credit for its success , but he did n't want to do it .
14 Others agreed with the idea of a sanctuary , but suggested that it should be situated somewhere else where there would be no conflicts with recreational fishing , prompting Steve Dawson to draw the analogy of ‘ putting a plaster on your bum to treat a boil on your forehead . ’
15 Still struggling , Pan Am convinced its creditors at a meeting on January 22nd that it should be allowed to continue operations .
16 Fiscal reformers — including members of the present government — have argued for years that it should be .
17 It was that it should be ‘ more known ’ to nature , first in the order of things .
18 In the law of property , a child conceived , but not yet born , will be treated as born , at any rate where it is for its advantage that it should be so treated .
19 I am convinced that it should be the goal of every concerned person to share in that task of educating people to think and behave ecologically .
20 The essence of such self-expression is that it should be voluntary .
21 The law therefore allows the offence to be treated just as seriously as rape , and we have seen how some would argue that it should be included as a form of rape , or at least as a form of the most serious offence of sexual assault , in any reformed law .
22 Britain , is determined that it should be worked out by member governments .
23 The Congress 's disarray — radical democrats argue that it should be disbanded — has been on embarrassing display this week as deputies argued over what to call their state .
24 This does not mean that the training of professionals is not considered important , only that it should be placed in proper perspective and that it should be accompanied by the training of the front line paraprofessionals who constitute the bulk of the social service work force ( CCETSW , 1975 ; 1981 ; 1987 ) .
25 This does not mean that the training of professionals is not considered important , only that it should be placed in proper perspective and that it should be accompanied by the training of the front line paraprofessionals who constitute the bulk of the social service work force ( CCETSW , 1975 ; 1981 ; 1987 ) .
26 If it is to be felt by the participants then it is not too much to suggest that it should be understood by the teacher .
27 The important point is that it should be used at a time when for some reason pressure is to be taken off members of the class — putting them in what is virtually a ‘ spectator ’ role can give them time to recover from what had perhaps been inadequate non-projected work .
28 It is not intended that this plan should be ‘ cast in concrete ’ but , rather , that it should be flexible so that the school looks ahead but remains responsive to future changes in circumstances .
29 How fortunate that it should be liquid , at precisely the kinds of temperatures at which complex organic molecules , such as proteins and DNA , are able to persist and yet be chemically active !
30 Undertaking an obligation to obey the law is an appropriate means of expressing identification with society , because it is a form of supporting social institutions , because it conveys a willingness to share in the common ways established in that society as expressed by its institutions , and because it expresses confidence in the reasonableness and good judgment of the government through one 's willingness to take it on trust , as it were , that the law is just and that it should be complied with .
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