Example sentences of "that it has be " in BNC.

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1 The village is almost completely destroyed , which is not surprising , due to the bombardments that it has been subjected to since 6th June by British artillery and naval guns .
2 The sovereign power inherent in the British Crown , as exercised through Council and through Parliament , derives not from a treaty or document or compact , but from prescription , from the fact that it has been so from time immemorial — that it is immanent in the nation itself .
3 I believe that in Britain an outstanding record will find its way into the system without much promotion , assuming that it has been distributed to producers .
4 Public opinion is growing too large for the channels that it has been accustomed to run through . ’
5 One of the chief glories of this house is that it has been little altered since it was built around the middle of the sixteenth century .
6 However , the powerful US tuna industry lobby has made sure that it has been given an annual ‘ dolphin kill' ’ quota .
7 The argument is over a 3.4% stake that it has been forced to disclose in Jardine Matheson Holdings itself .
8 It has meant that it has been ‘ abstracted from … all use and practice ’ , and has become a purely speculative matter of ‘ high flights and abstractions ’ .
9 One consequence of the breadth of this definition is that it has been held to cover psychological harm — where D causes V to become hysterical or to suffer substantial fear or fright , for example .
10 It is too strong to say that it has been corrupted — after all , James I dished out so many knighthoods ( 2,600 ) that the Venetian ambassador to London thought the knights ‘ no longer distinguishable from common people ’ — but at best it is dull .
11 Hence , the horse may spend the day avoiding mature people , and then find to its surprise that it has been caught by a child-foal that it had not perceived as possessing such ability .
12 So , if the horse rears or puts its tongue over the bit , the chances are that it has been hurt in the mouth by a rider with bad hands .
13 If the campaign has been logical to the strategists , the public perception is that it has been awful .
14 THE extraordinary thing about Laura Ashley is not that it has been dragged back from the financial brink ; it is that it was ever pushed there in the first place .
15 He says that it has been the foundation of Europe 's post-war success , the implication being that we must adopt the same system in Britain if we are to become a modern , prosperous nation .
16 Growing urban scepticism about the ecological wisdom of intensive farming is often paralleled by a lack of appreciation that it has been essential to meet consumer demand for cheap food .
17 Unfortunately it seems that it has been the agricultural ministry which has won the debate , and Britain is merely tinkering with the problem .
18 There are so many works of art in the church that it has been declared a museum and is included as such on the official list of Milanese museums .
19 People not familiar with Cheltenham often assume that it has been a large bustling town for a long time .
20 ‘ As you can see from the file , sir , there is no indication that it has been .
21 That it has been ‘ the only game in town ’ , as many have argued , has not meant that it has necessarily been worth following , either from an Israeli or a Palestinian view .
22 I sincerely hope that it has been picked up by accident and that I will be re-united with it soon , as I find it hard to believe that such an incident could lead to its deliberate theft .
23 Before commencing it should be emphasized that when a geologist talks of a volcano having been recently active , he means that it has been active within the last ten thousand years .
24 My main criticism of intensive agricultural production , and of animal farming in particular , is that it has been locked for too long into a model-T-Ford-type philosophy , geared to produce a standard commodity as cheaply as possible .
25 But the problem was not so easily solved , nor do I believe , nearly half a century later , that it has been happily settled yet .
26 For example , if a school has attempted to improve its image in the neighbourhood it may feel that it has been successful if the number selecting the school for the following academic year increases .
27 Note that it has been necessary to enclose the camera behind a glass screen to cut down its noise .
28 But the most important flaw in the instruction has been that it has been too often divorced from the classroom itself and from the active involvement of the teacher .
29 The most recent government statements on the deal indicate that it has been shelved indefinitely .
30 William Hammond Bartholomew was the Resident Engineer on this broad canal which was usual in that it has been able to resist competition from the railways .
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