Example sentences of "that it had to " in BNC.

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1 But consider now a misgiving voiced by Linda Woodbridge and shared by many others : ‘ To me the one unsatisfying feature of the otherwise stimulating transvestite movement is that it had to be transvestite : Renaissance women so tar accepted the masculine rules of the game that they felt they had to look masculine to be ‘ free'' ’ ( Women and the English Renaissance , 145 ) .
2 In addition the fact that it had to be paid in cash meant that the farmers had to sell their crop to the grain-dealer and then often enough borrow money from the money lender .
3 On 19 June 1841 the spire of St Michael 's was struck by lightning so severely that it had to be taken down and rebuilt at a cost of £84 , paid for by the Buxtons .
4 Nigel 's wife was obviously such a monster , too , that it had to be any good woman 's Christian duty to save him from a fate worse than death , or at the very least to give him a little light relief .
5 But the explosive charge was too large and the chapel was so badly damaged that it had to be pulled down .
6 Taylor and his managers decided that it had to be ‘ double or quits ’ if the business was to be a success .
7 At the extreme , some nuclear waste was so intensely radioactive that it had to be kept isolated from the human environment for thousands of years .
8 Their clothing was so radioactive that it had to be destroyed .
9 Argov himself had written an earlier letter of such hostility that it had to be returned by the paper because its contents were regarded by lawyers at The Times as potentially defamatory .
10 THROUGH THIS PLEASANT little chapel in a quiet side street was clearly suitable for conversion to offices — providing the trustees with the financial return they sought — the story was that it had to be demolished because there was nowhere to site the requisite number of car-parking spaces .
11 Even more colourful was the statement in the City Corporation 's Annual Report that it had to be demolished ‘ due to corrosion by fish juices , .
12 ‘ Damian knew right away that it had to be Japan or nothing .
13 The captain of the Serapis had meanwhile nailed his Red Ensign to its staff , so that it had to be torn down , when , around 10.30 pm , the English vessel , with five feet [ 1.5 m ] of water in its hold , its holed topsides open to the moonlight , and its rigging and sails almost cut away by gunfire , was forced to surrender .
14 It was so bad that it had to be buried in quick lime in Toby Wood ; special ‘ funeral ’ cards were printed for the occasion .
15 Already he had half decided that it had to be .
16 All he could say was that it had to be called a great and profound change , and that it had happened , ‘ I have a feeling of being at home when I am with her , as though she gives me my own hearth , a feeling that our lives are interwoven . ’
17 ‘ Between October and January I thought through what I wanted to do , and came to the conclusion that it had to be a change and it had to be something I was interested in , which really came down to working with people .
18 A complication was that it had to be reduced in a complicated , controlled manner or the electricity grid throughout Ulster would be burned out and would require a long time to replace after the strike would be over .
19 So highly regarded was the mistletoe , that it had to be cut with a golden knife .
20 But he calculated that it had to be worth it , that such casualties would be minor compared with those which would result from a prolonged , slogging , hand-to-hand battle .
21 I never thought that it had to be a ‘ rule ’ . ’
22 The NHS , of course , did use resources and was not ‘ free ’ to the extent that it had to be funded .
23 I 'm just sorry that it had to be Oldham . ’
24 If they believed they had ‘ natural ability ’ , they well knew that it had to be refined and fastened by a bridle of discipline .
25 Similarly , inadequate information about the siting of the jetty at Rothera meant that it had to be redesigned and repositioned at a relatively late stage , at an additional cost of £2 million .
26 ( It is significant that it could not be called ‘ Christ ’ but had to be given another name ; moreover that it had to be explained what this was , whereas a man on the cross would have required no explanation . )
27 Lord Denning said that it had to be so serious that it was of the first importance that offenders be brought to justice .
28 I stipulated that it had to be different from mine .
29 To celebrate the opening of the exhibition Minton held a party at the Mandrake , giving Boris Watson £200 over the bar with the insistence that it had to be spent .
30 ‘ The problem was , as I saw it , that it had to be a children 's programme and still attract adults and teenagers .
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