Example sentences of "that it was [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Many in the tourism industry believe the revenue created would far outweigh any protests that it was just another excuse for a day off .
2 I suppose I fancied him although I told myself that it was just that I felt sorry for him .
3 Mr Sisulu said that it was just a draft plan , which had not been adopted .
4 He was coaxing me to walk a bit further without having to carry me , by promising that it was just a bit further .
5 Equally , the Iranian operation could not be explained because , in its respectable long-term aims , it was complicated ; and most people would doubtless insist , as they did , that it was just a piece of barter .
6 Perhaps it was newspaper speculation that the ‘ courting couple ’ were about to get married that convinced Jason it was time to turn the tide in favour of something nearer the truth and gently let everyone into their secret that it was just one big publicity stunt which , once started , was easier to carry on with than deny , and far more profitable in any event .
7 It has taken five years to get this one right and the Government will not want to repeat the mistakes of the mid-1980s when Nigel Lawson thought he had beaten inflation , only to discover that it was just sleeping .
8 Company car drivers used to beg off being given a diesel by protesting that it was just too sluggish for business use .
9 When the draw was announced and I found that I was next to Carl Lewis I thought that it was just brilliant , because we run our races in a similar fashion and I thought he could drag me through .
10 After the fiasco in Prague I began to wonder whether there was any point in my running in any more relay teams , began to think that it was just a waste of everyone 's time .
11 So , as I stood there on Hampstead Heath , I felt that it was just from that point of view that the single surviving Pinus sylvestris was intended to be seen .
12 The men stayed put for several minutes , hoping that it was just a temporary loss , but when the silence continued they began to move about , rubbing their hands together to warm them up , making light of their disappointment with careless shrugs of the shoulders and wry half-smiles .
13 Our only solace is that it was just as dire on all the other formats .
14 I see now that it was just his way of keeping me on my mettle and making sure I did n't get big-headed .
15 Then it went straight up so fast that it was just a blur and jerked to a halt high over the crowd .
16 After considerable discussion Mr Jones accepted the possibility that Olwyn perhaps did need love and attention but that it was just as likely she needed it because she behaved badly rather than the other way round .
17 ‘ It was quite clear at the time that it was just being borrowed .
18 ‘ I suppose the newspaper which started it would say that it was just a bit of fun .
19 She thought now that it was just one of his acts , put on to get sympathy .
20 They stayed in the bedroom for half an hour or so , talking , looking at the things , talking : and Clara remembered thinking at the time that it was just such a honeysuckle-filtered , sunny conversational afternoon that would in years to come , whatever those years might bring , cause her the most sad and exquisite nostalgia .
21 one of the reasons for introducing the community charge that and it 's ironic that it was just possible , especially in nineteen erm ninety erm that the community charge was meaning wa was bringing about a change where people were voting on local issues , the prime local issue of course being what would be the level of the , of the community charge .
22 We watched as the kite swept across the valley , ascending so high that it was just a speck in the distance , and then swooping gracefully over the horizon , to appear again from behind the next hill .
23 He was not at all impressed by her explanation that it was just to eliminate him from their inquiries .
24 We were to discover that it was just large enough to hold a corpse and two breathlessly claustrophobic busy-bodies .
25 Kraal was inclined to say , fixing Woil with a glare and flexing his talons back and forth to make it clear that it was just as well there were three cages between them because if there were n't …
26 When you had the blues erm near by you said at one time that it was just away from here , was there , was there any , was it , was there any bother after that after the blues then or was it okay ?
27 It flashed across my mind that it was just what he would do , he would n't go to the doctor .
28 He had given up years ago the delusion that all men were homosexual at heart , and that it was just a question of finding the key to unlock their repressed desires .
29 It 's not er racial or something like that it was just the general standard of the people which has so much changed .
30 that it was just the liver .
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