Example sentences of "that it [adv] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 Berni Miller , chief executive of the Farm Holiday Bureau , says she finds the report encouraging and feels that it broadly reflects the way the industry round the country is moving at the moment , although business in other regions is less seasonal than the West Country .
2 But for all the triumphs of the Socratic spirit , its true significance is that it repeatedly prompts a regeneration of art — art in the metaphysical sense which is its widest and deepest sense .
3 One , with its morbid traits of personalised delusion , chaotic thinking , and bizarre affect , is so self-destructive that it frequently reduces the sufferer to psychological incompetence .
4 I am cynical enough to suspect that it probably happens , and it vividly illustrates the point about equipment improving while its net effectiveness stands still ( and its costs increase ) .
5 It might be added as an aside that it probably takes much more cultural energy to teach bellicosity and to produce warriors ( with spears as arms ) , than to teach co-operation and to produce shamans ( with ‘ thoughts ’ as arms ) .
6 Therefore , if you are confronted with a rug decorated in an intricate and curvilinear floral-inspired scheme , it is reasonable to assume that it probably originates from a workshop group in one of the limited number of countries which specialize in these designs .
7 Second year parents ' evening on Wednesday , seven to nine o'clock , er second years you know that it probably makes sense to be there erm with your parents er this Wednesday the no not this Wednesday , Wednesday week the twenty third , which is next Wednesday , there 's no leisure centre for first year students , er and in fact there are no Wednesday afternoon activities at all next Wednesday .
8 Whatever we may think of Oliphant 's views , we have to assume there would be little point in attacks on [ h ] -dropping by the educated elite unless it was highly salient and widespread , and it is reasonable to assume for these reasons that it probably has quite a long history in the language .
9 This will be a full 64-bit implementation , superscalar so that it probably issues two to three instructions per cycle .
10 It must be stressed that this is only a possibility ( and that the explanation has been very much simplified ) , but more and more researches are showing that it probably approximates to the truth .
11 He says that it probably pre-dates the church by 1,000 years .
12 Your worship , I would anticipate that it normally takes at least three weeks for a printout for the computer to be able
13 Your Worships I would anticipate that it normally takes at least three weeks for a printout from a computer to be obtained .
14 We have discussed the evidence for a body clock and the kinds of rhythmic change that it normally produces .
15 Why should the cat suddenly refuse food that it normally eats with great enthusiasm ?
16 However , recreational provision in the field of art and design education is exceptional in that it normally caters for some 80,000 students , many times more than those on courses leading to qualifications , and has always been at the centre of adult education .
17 By concession , rental income from surplus business accommodation is taxed under Sch D , Case I rather than Sch A. The Inland Revenue has commented that it normally accepts that current account and trade interest qualify for relief under s 393(8) , ICTA 1988 , as , under certain circumstances , will interest from the temporary lodgement of part of the current working capital in a bank deposit account .
18 The grass is so high in parts of West Derby cemetery that it completely hides some of the gravestones .
19 Is it really the case that ordinary mem bers of the public have a hatred of the police so virulent that it completely overbears normal reactions of shock , concern , and compassion ?
20 However , serious doubt has been cast on the methodology used to collect this data on extra costs , suggesting that it grossly underestimates the true costs .
21 In the past it has been held that Article 86 may be infringed where a company holding a dominant position within the EC strengthens that position , by acquiring control of another company or business in the same market , to such an extent that it practically eliminates effective competition in that market .
22 Its proponents would say that it already deserves it , on the basis that the space station , though big , is not really science .
23 Louisville , Colorado-based Storage Technology Corp added Expanded Memory for ES/9000 Model 9021 processors from Cambex Corp to the Cambex main memory that it already sells .
24 As for the release of information , the stock exchange points out that it already requires price-sensitive information to be published through its regulated news service .
25 The concept of referential rigidity in the sense in which it is used in the above theory , on the other hand , goes beyond this in that it already presupposes the idea of " per se " existence .
26 Government points out that it already owns it .
27 The Home Office says that it already pays fifty one percent of the cost of policing the royals , but if the county council can adequately demonstrate that it needs more then funds are available .
28 Under these tests , a country reserves the right to refuse an operating licence to a foreign firm if it deems that it already has enough similar companies on its territory .
29 Some people think that it already has .
30 IBM says that it already has a prototype of the latter running in its Hursley Park facility and that the two companies ‘ will move very quickly ’ to bring the product to market .
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