Example sentences of "that it [be] there " in BNC.

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1 Basically that it 's there to be enjoyed and that it is only when you enjoy it that you play at your best — I always enjoy my cricket .
2 Now who will be responsible for seeing that it 's there ? ’
3 ‘ They do say that it 's there that thy Robemaker has his Workshops .
4 You do n't know that it 's there but I do .
5 I 'm sure that it 's there that the police will be best advised to make their inquiries .
6 It , it 's an estimate so that it 's there if anybody wants to say .
7 Er , just to make sure that it 's there .
8 And do n't worry if you see a tape recorder going er , it 's actually being recorded , but just forget that it 's there .
9 You ca n't see it but you need to know that it is there .
10 The first order of meaning is available to participants but the second order of signification is a ‘ hidden ’ level of meaning in that it is not readily available to participants ( who might believe striptease to be erotic ) and needs to be generated by an analyst who knows that it is there and so looks for it .
11 I will contend rather that the judgement that it is there has a necessary effect upon how we are inclined to act .
12 I 'm not breaking my stated rule here and recommending this hotel , just saying that it is there and that if you could get the back bedrooms you would have a most remarkable scene to look out on .
13 I know that it is there , and if only , if only I can choose the right words , and if only I can tap the exact right source of power , then I shall see it ignite and flare into life .
14 We had to look at where the opportunities were for development in Greater York as a whole rather than looking at individual district elements , and in terms of land available , erm Mr Steel appears to have included some sites which we classify as land held in reserve , which we do n't normally count towards the land availability targets , although we do acknowledge that it is there .
15 Under the inevitable power lines the church looked rural , too : a simple wooden structure with a sharp , narrow steeple prodding at the sky as if to remind God that it was there , its bell clanking as an additional reminder and as a summons to the faithful .
16 The point is , however , that it was there and it was growing ; and no ruler in the uncertain world of the 1530s could afford to ignore even limited evidence of its existence within his country .
17 Nevertheless he needed to test the bond now , to reassure himself that it was there .
18 The only important thing about the rest of my life was that it was there .
19 William James ( 1950 ) argued that it was there to elaborate on reflexes , a position largely adopted by the behaviourist school of the early to middle twentieth century .
20 It was made use of on 8 November by Cardinal Frings of Cologne precisely to call the Theological Commission into line , reminding it that it was there to carry out the wishes of the Council , not to determine what the Council should decide .
21 Beauty flowed from her also ; although it was shrouded I knew that it was there , no veil or coverings could obscure it — at least , to my imagination .
22 For now she found that it was there , an entity — not quite picture , not quite story — demanding sense and shape : expression .
23 But by looking at the clues of the building we can see that it was there .
24 as if to compound her plan , it gave no real evidence that it was there .
25 I gather that you built it yourself in one of your sheds and that it was there until Saturday afternoon , the day of the festival — is that right ? ’
26 He felt her grow rigid at his touch , made it so light that she hardly knew that it was there .
27 On making a very despondent journey home my wife greeted me at the door with the astounding statement that the property had been found and handed into a branch of a building society and the member of the staff had telephoned to inform my wife that it was there to collect .
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