Example sentences of "that it [verb] into " in BNC.

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1 Mine was so tight that it cut into the skin .
2 A huge , heavy , panelled oak door faced it , and peering through the windows I saw that it led into the mill kitchen .
3 Circuiting the crowd that milled around with plates and dishes in search of sustenance , she walked towards it , and saw that it led into a pleasingly arranged conservatory .
4 Until comparatively recently there was a general belief or tacit agreement within the community that the later years of life were a time of " all passion spent " — that sex stopped or should stop with the menopause in women and that it continued into later years only in old men who were awarded the epithet " dirty " .
5 Craig ran his hand through his hair so that it sprung into small curls giving him a rakish appearance .
6 Thus we have a situation where data is not transformed into information , ie what staff need is information that addresses a specific need or objective of their job , and what typically they receive is a mass of data not properly tailored to their needs and so difficult to penetrate that it falls into disuse .
7 It takes aim , compensating for the way that light bends as it passes from water to air and squirts a jet of drops , knocking the insect from its foothold so that it falls into the water and can be eaten .
8 Care is thus needed with any numerical procedure , on the one hand , that its grid size is small enough to resolve , for example , a boundary layer ( Sections 8.3 , 11.2–11.4 , 12.4 ) and , on the other hand , that it extends into all regions of importance , such as a wake ( Section 11.5 ) , upstream wake ( Section 15.2 ) or Taylor column ( Section 16.4 ) .
9 It was then that it slammed into the back of
10 The T network is actually the star network considered in the context of direct currents at the end of section 3.2 where it was shown that it transforms into an equivalent delta network .
11 The County Council reallocates resources from things that it sells into things like new build , new schools ; if we sell a piece of a playing field or whatever , then we will put , plough the money back into capital resources within the education service somewhere else .
12 Wherever we see an ancient town church without a churchyard , we may well suspect that the town is the daughter of some mother village near by — now completely overshadowed by its offspring — and that it came into existence at a comparatively late date , since the Norman Conquest anyway , and most probably in the twelfth or thirteenth century .
13 I became really depressed because no matter how much I loved my children or tried to take care of them , I could neither keep the doctor at bay or the fungus that was destroying everything that it came into contact with .
14 Professor Dudek had envisaged the series coming out in paper covers ( the format that was just becoming the way to the mass market ) ; Leonard ensured that it went into hard ; Dudek had not meant the books to be prestigious in format but vehicles of introduction ; Leonard saw to it that his book could stand alongside the best that there were from both sides of the Atlantic .
15 When she asks , you must on no account say that it went into the sea , because she will worry that it is a curse on you — or me as well , for it was given to me at my baptism .
16 The real message of the BCS is that it calls into question assumptions about crime upon which people 's concern is founded .
17 Y I mean local Manchester Evening News issues that they put out in they put out where where we live in Kearsley , there 's a lot of people in Kearsley buy the Manchester And er we 've got to feed the candidate with all these things so that it gets into the into the Your local newspaper , the local free paper goes out in every area , you must get the name in as from tomorrow .
18 Signs are that it fell into disuse during the period after the Romans had left and legendary Celtic leaders , such as Arthur , were endeavouring to maintain civilised standards against waves of barbarian invaders .
19 " I swear by the Blessed Virgin that it fell into the sea . "
20 Thus if a close approximation to such a transformer features in the bridge circuit of figure 7.10(a) with its secondary winding tapped so that it divides into two portions having turns N 1 and N 2 , the ratio of the potential differences across these secondary portions will be near enough .
21 Mike Johnson , Trafalgar House 's Open Learning Manager , said ‘ The benefit of EBC is that it builds into a permanent resource library that can be continually used and referred to ’ .
22 The rationale behind such a comparative analysis is that it brings into sharper focus those very features of language which might elude stylistic analysis of a more traditional kind .
23 If tourism is to be properly recognised as Scotland 's largest employer , and recognised for the very considerable revenue that it brings into the country , it must first be given higher priority within the Scottish Office itself .
24 Yet it is at this point that it comes into sharpest conflict with the cultural and anti-intellectual currents which are rooted in a return to instinctual modes .
25 Always pick a flower on the very day that it comes into full bloom , because the process of ageing takes place very rapidly in flowers , and pressing does not rejuvenate them , but only halts the ageing process at the moment of pressing .
26 While BT can be pleased that it bought into McCaw at a much lower price than today 's going rate and that it will be difficult for other overseas companies to enter the US domestic market , it will be some time before its investment begins to yield a return .
27 A further group of works and not even the relevant authorities know how many , except that it runs into hundreds of thousands are ‘ notified ’ ; that is , they may not even be lent , restored or sold within Italy , let alone exported , without the permission of the authorities .
28 Yet so strong was the belief in a static universe that it persisted into the early twentieth century .
29 Transfer the icing cut-outs to a sheet of foil or non-stick paper , and rest the ‘ birthday cake ’ cut-out on a piece of foil wrapped around a cake tin , so that it sets into a curved shape .
30 Where it ran into the special ceramic-and-leather codpiece that it tailored into most of my tights and leggings , a useful protection in many situations .
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