Example sentences of "that [vb -s] them [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The frescoes , for example , show many elements that are borrowed from Minoan Crete , but handled in a way that turns them into distinctively Theran compositions .
2 For ants , matricide is an act of special genetic madness and formidable indeed must be the drug that drives them to it .
3 Very few studies have sought to position shoplifting within a broader social and political sphere , where women in particular are vulnerable to a consumer fetishism that drives them to lawbreaking …
4 There is an apple-tree up against the fence that separates them from their neighbours , but it has been given a kind of Buddhist monk 's haircut .
5 As a result the public interest is increasingly defined by expert professional administrators , and administrative decisions designed to promote the public interest are articulated in a language that screens them from effective parliamentary criticisms and public debate .
6 They should help small farmers , but not in a way that discourages them from getting larger or farming better : there must be no farming poverty trap .
7 If the spiritual realisations become bogged in the mud of the stagnant pond , materials stagger about pulling this way and that on the lead that joins them to their master .
8 Where indexicals can be routinely treated truth-conditionally , we will therefore continue to think of the theory that handles them as part of semantics .
9 Obviously , the same river flow that fills them with silt also brings in minerals and organic materials from elsewhere .
10 It is this ability to produce flowers throughout the summer and early autumn that ranks them with the true annuals when it comes to creating the most colourful and long lasting planting schemes .
11 If the planning and choice possibilities are to be fully utilised then a time-scale that allows them to be fully understood has to be in operation .
12 Those VARs and ISVs I have talked to , view the combination of USL and Novell as a very positive move that allows them to more effectively address the total enterprise .
13 Many plotters come complete with software that allows them to be used directly from within a program , rather like a paper copy of the screen .
14 They play , instead , joyfully , with a full command that allows them in performance to play , not as men chained to their scores , but as men making music with free intelligence and full imagination .
15 The NFU in Wales said those using the service will be able to ask about any matter that concerns them including Inland Revenue investigations .
16 The children looked bewildered , but she added consolingly , ‘ That 's why dogs have to have an injection every year that protects them against that horrible disease as well as many others . ’
17 Many plants native to natural mixed woodland flower and produce their leaves early in the year , before deciduous trees have developed a full canopy , and welcome the shade in summer that protects them from scorching in full sun .
18 As Packer ( 1968 ) has pointed out , the criminality of their enterprise acts as a kind of ‘ tariff ’ that protects them from the competition of ‘ legitimate ’ entrepreneurs unwilling to take the risks of illegal enterprise , and provides them with customers who have no legal redress against the most excessive forms of exploitation .
19 Six recently appointed health and safety reps passed with flying colours a course that introduces them to their basic responsibilities and duties as reps .
20 between different production systems , institutions , schemes and social organisations in which business enterprises figure prominently but are nonetheless only one component of a network that links them with the educational system , the technological infrastructure , management/labour relations , the relations between the public and private sectors , and the financial system .
21 Initial domiciliary assessments are carried out by either a medical or a non-medical team member by using a semistructured schedule that guides them through the various clinical , functional , social , and other components of the assessment .
22 On January 14th the unlikely figure of Bob Dole , the Senate Republican leader , took time off from the Gulf to call for a statutory commission to find out why women have not broken through the ‘ glass ceiling ’ that keeps them from top management jobs .
23 Perhaps they feel it is a way of getting back at the system that keeps them in the poverty gap .
24 A lot of Americans are meanwhile disenchanted with an alliance that commits them to defending a Europe that could do more for itself — especially a Europe that offers America so little , so ungraciously , in return .
25 MANY PLACES OF INTEREST on and around the Three Peaks can only be reached on foot after many miles of walking over rough ground , but visitors to Leck Fell are favoured by a quiet moorland road that takes them to their objective precisely and , if they travel by car , without effort .
26 Bill Mumford says you need climbing skills and it 's a challenge that takes them into a new realm … he says they are praying for dry weather … but it gets very cold … drops to minus twenty at night
27 A complete gene is then made up of a whole series of exons , which are actually strung together only when they are eventually read by the ‘ official ’ operating system that translates them into proteins .
28 Their new single , Family , includes all these elements and could be the one that breaks them into the big time .
29 It is only the natural caution of paleontologists that prevents them from jumping to startling conclusions .
30 He has also pointed to the way in which metaphor joins dissimilar experiences by finding a symbol or image that unites them at a deeper level of meaning ( ibid , p. 63 ) .
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