Example sentences of "that [vb mod] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 After an efficient counter-attack , which may have been instigated as a ruse , the attacker can move in on another area of his target , one that may be wide open for an effective technique .
2 Family structures , age stages , and the sharpness of the transition between stages , accompanied perhaps by initiation rites that may be both physically and psychologically painful , all vary between peoples , often in extreme ways .
3 Thus cells of any particular type possess a set of adhesive properties that may be both spatially and temporally regulated .
4 A computer program ( like a dictionary ) is a tool that may be repeatedly in use .
5 company names that may be either in full or abbreviated ; for example , DEC , Digital Equipment
6 Harmonic lines are most commonly in two forms : ( 1 ) Parallels that may be straight , or curves of similar radius , concentric curves or mixtures of these .
7 If the hotels are full of Bruce Dickinsons then that may be just as well .
8 The Bengali lady who enrolled in an English cookery class , so that she could provide English food for some of her son 's chums at school , is likely next to take a GCSE in English and help prepare herself for a job that may be just around the corner .
9 There is no presumption that monopoly is necessarily bad , and the Commission is charged to investigate whether or not the monopoly acts against the public interest , a brief that may be widely interpreted though in recent years there has been increasing emphasis on the ‘ maintenance and promotion of effective competition ’ .
10 The most important safeguard is probably the entitlement to legal advice ; this is also the one that may be most inconvenient for the police .
11 This stops or slow the downward flow of groundwater , and helps to separate the water in this aquifer from flow in other aquifers that may be underneath it .
12 Consider again those documents indexed by the system that may be partially relevant to a given user 's search .
13 Let me turn now to another way in which the BBC is responding to viewers ' and listeners ' needs in the current broadcasting environment — and a response that may be increasingly difficult for those facing commercial pressures to match .
14 The most you may be able to say at the end of it is that you ‘ gained understanding ’ ; to some of us that may be unsatisfactorily intangible , while to others it may be of profound significance .
15 Research on its aetiology has focused , at one end of the spectrum , on causal mechanisms — for example , inherited metabolic diseases — and , at the other end , on infant care practices that may be potentially protective or harmful , such as sleeping position .
16 The problem is how to represent the knowledge at each level as multiple constraints that may be mutually conflicting .
17 Nothertheless there are some general patterns that may be helpfully described even though any individual sufferer may rightly say that the entire pattern does not imply to him or her .
18 Since image is what people think , feel , or believe , your client and you could be in for a surprise — one that may be more shocking than pleasing .
19 From the first days of August , the president has had trouble even articulating the war aims , as not a few American commentators pointed out before ‘ supporting our boys ’ , prayer breakfasts , and a patriotism that may be more anxious than it yet seems , silenced them .
20 This is in agreement with the previous findings that the increase in the alcohol consumption in Finland has been particularly attributed to the increase in the number of heavy drinkers , and that the heavy drinkers are the group that may be more vulnerable to pancreatitis .
21 It is , however , a presumption that may be more easily displaced in family cases particularly those involving children where it has not in the past been usual practice to award costs against an unsuccessful party .
22 This will involve trade union negotiations in areas that may be far removed from their traditional expertise .
23 Mr Jencks concludes that to search for a comprehensive policy to tackle the underclass is a waste of time ; different policies are needed for different problems that may be only loosely related .
24 Although infra-red light is invisible to the human eye , it can be detected by special photographic film ; in general , the amount of infra-red light reflected from a plant depends on its ripeness , so that infra-red photographs can produce good-contrast images of crop marks that may be hardly visible on ordinary photographic film or to the eye .
25 Stick the stencil in position using masking tape and cover any areas around the designs that may be accidentally brushed with colour
26 These segments remain attached while they mature , eventually forming a chain that may be as much as 10 metres long .
27 Prairie dogs , rabbit-sized rodents with short legs and small ears that live in vast communities on the grasslands of the American West , dig tunnels that may be as much as ninety feet long with short cul-de-sacs on either side .
28 Many of the other hypotensive agents may also have side-effects that may be especially detrimental to the diabetic and these are shown in Table 3.2 .
29 The obsessive compulsive neuroses such as obsessive washing and the various phobias will require medical assessment but may receive particular help from Emotions Anonymous , which also covers a whole range of other emotional disorders that may be significantly disturbing to the life of the sufferer and be beyond personal control .
30 Are you going to be able to write a little precis , or is there some kind of list of data that should be up there .
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