Example sentences of "that [vb mod] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the Burgess Shale there is an undescribed worm ( Fig. 4 b ) with prominent lateral extensions that may be close to the basal annelid stock .
2 At the same time we expose local people to new developments that may be beneficial to cultural activities .
3 Disadvantages are a flimsy tool shelf below the table , and a sliding fence that may be vulnerable to breakage .
4 Inbreeding appears to outweigh crossbreeding in many stocks of arctic plants , a condition that may be adaptive in a harsh environment where interspecific competition is insignificant .
5 The factor that may be decisive in explaining why the oil industry produced in west Thurso so great and prolonged an excess at ages 5–24 is the large number of incomers already associated with the nuclear industry .
6 One of the factors that may be protective is calcium , but the epidemiological data are contentious .
7 And of course such a class lays itself open to prejudice and bias on the part of the teacher , a bias that may be political , racial , or religious .
8 Recognise situations that may be detrimental to the health and well-being of the individual .
9 Some manufacturers now make thicker condoms that may be better for anal sex , but the very thick varieties are ‘ too thick ’ to pass the British Standard and are therefore not Kitemarked .
10 With regard to safety , if a product is misused or overheated it is better if unpleasant or acrid fumes are given off rather than sweet smelling , pleasant fumes that may be toxic
11 Systematic mapping at 1:10 000 north of Grantham ( sheet 127 ) on the Lincolnshire Limestone outcrop demonstrated intraformational breaks that may be attributable to channel infilling and bioherm development .
12 If the screen looks full of files use the direction keys to view any files that may be offscreen .
13 Any room and meal supplements that may be applicable are payable in full .
14 It is during the first few months in particular that these sorts of activities can affect the developing foetus , producing babies that may be premature , and with a low birth weight .
15 Many people would say that even the possibility of a link would justify action , but the ITC already has detailed restrictions and before jerking one 's knee it 's necessary to know the nature of the material that may be subject to cuts .
16 A new approach must also recognise they also derive from wider non-location-specific political-economic relations , and also in other places that may be far from the affected area .
17 The human body is very complex , and the human mind even more so — a book such as this can only provide a glimpse of the factors that may be involved in your child 's illness .
18 Here , Sara Ladbury and Clive Mira-Smith highlight the central fallacy underpinning the complex relationship between training and labour markets ( chapter 4 ) , Sue Buckingham-Hatfield demonstrates the dangers of crude measures of the leveraging of private capital with government investment and she , Neil Smith ( chapter 5 ) and Liz Bondi ( chapter 6 ) all focus on the downsides that may be involved in the visible expression of residential urban regeneration that is often conveniently tucked away in the concept of gentrification .
19 It is to the hon. Gentleman 's credit that he wishes to raise a matter that may be embarrassing to his hon. Friends .
20 Yet we all of us swim between the outside world and the internal , trying to look at ourselves from the outside and also looking from the inside at the world , having a sense of ourselves and how we look that may be variable and dependent on many things — mood , confirmation from others , self-esteem , changing trends in what is considered attractive .
21 As well as material to be directly used by pupils , the box could include books and articles that may be helpful to the non-specialist teacher of history .
22 We opened with the simile of a wobbling jelly ; another parallel that may be helpful is the relationship between a shadow and its origin .
24 The right of a bailee to detain a chattel from its owner until payment be made , not only in respect of that particular article , but of any balance that may be due , on a general account between the bailor and bailee in the same line of business .
25 In a very few cases , serious mental disorders similar to schizophrenia or mania have been reported that may be due to a direct effect of HIV on the brain .
26 Our present results show that healing of duodenal ulcers with a regime that also eradicates H pylori produces a fall in basal acid secretion that may be due to the concomitant fall in basal plasma gastrin concentration .
27 Adult classes , in fact , require exceptionally good teaching , of a kind that may be remote from the professional ideals of many presentday academics .
28 It can give moral support and advice on numerous problems connected with your and your parent 's rights to various types of State benefits and services , the support that may be available to you from voluntary bodies , and help in planning ahead for accommodation if this proves necessary when your parent dies .
29 The BD8 Form is sent to the Social Services Department and a social worker will then visit the family to inform them about the services and allowances that may be available to them .
30 It benefits from the independence , objectivity , and reporting skills of auditors , complemented by the specialized analytical systems and implementation skills that may be available from management consultants .
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