Example sentences of "that [v-ing] on the " in BNC.

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1 He said that stamping on the head of players on the ground was not acceptable to his team .
2 We would argue that depending on the concept of accountability ( moral , professional , contractual ) that the procedure seeks to satisfy , and the features of the particular context ( sector of education , local pressures etc. ) , the individual criteria will assume relatively greater or lesser importance .
3 Answer guide : The point that needs to be illustrated here is that depending on the valuation basis used the profit changes .
4 He added , incidentally , ‘ that depending on the sex of your friend , the process can take some time ’ .
5 And the truth is that driving on the M25 can be far more frightening than a Grand Prix because so many drivers on the road lack the finesse and understanding to control their cars . ’
6 Not that going on the course takes you out of the field : a lot of time is spent on rehearsal and a lot of time is spent on performance technique .
7 Ride fear : Sally Ride , America 's first woman in space , told an audience that flying on the shuttle Challenger in 1983 and 1984 was frightening .
8 Now there 's no doubt that groining on the beaches has been very successful in many cases .
9 Some people say that trotting on the roads helps harden the horse 's legs while others maintain that too much trotting mean too much concussion on legs and feet ; I follow the latter view and so we stayed in walk with the occasional gentle trot uphill .
10 Cynical readers might be forgiven for thinking that concentrating on the minutiae of standards is a convenient way of avoiding the subject of how the industry is faring in a depressed market — but they would be wrong .
11 Erm to my self respect and I just I was determined that it was n't going to happen to my daughter , so in consequence I saw that working on the side to get to get the uniform so that she could go to school in a new uniform same as all the other kids as a necessity .
12 And so you 'll see that working on the commissions six percent estimate , er we only need , according to this , erm just under twenty five thousand hours .
13 Mervyn Gowell was a fitter at the plant and says that working on the Meteor was a labour of love .
14 As good Marxists the Bolshevik leaders tended to believe that following on the eventual restoration and ‘ correct ’ development of favourable economic conditions , ‘ correct ’ social and political attitudes would also come about at all levels .
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