Example sentences of "that [adv] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 New data indicated that altogether 404,000 sq km had been deforested .
2 A leading Soviet demographer estimated that altogether 9,400,000 peasants had died during Stalin 's collectivization programme in the early 1930s .
3 There were criticisms of the way that fundamentally different subjects , such as the humanities and the sciences , were to be treated in the same way .
4 The Foreign Office officials knew that fundamentally improved terms were not possible because the other member countries could not concede a privileged position to one member only .
5 The evidence on the extent to which actual index futures prices depart from the values predicted by the no-arbitrage condition generally supports the view that economically significant departures do exist .
6 Ensure that duly modified software has an updated issue number .
7 Vickers ' analysis suggests that paradoxically this creation of new agencies to regulate such activities has actually increased the ability of government to intervene in certain areas of the economy .
8 This material will also bond well to stainless steel rods so that badly decayed timber can be drilled , stitched and glued to achieve higher strengths than the original construction .
9 It is certainly counter-intuitive to suggest that widely separated systems retain such a degree of influence upon each other .
10 This weakness left Egypt an easy prey for the rising Ottoman empire that seized the country in 1517 , making it then a province of Istanbul and that loosely structured empire that was to dominate the Middle East until 1918 .
11 This study provided us with an opportunity to identify some of the myths that predominantly unskilled workers hold about life in their work environment .
12 We have suggested that properly coordinated motility might be of crucial importance in promoting acid clearance , and could therefore be an unrecognised factor in the pathogenesis of duodenal ulceration .
13 What lends this observation particular piquancy however is that remarkably few players sound particularly good .
14 However , pulmonary arterial pressure increased to the pre-NO inhalation value with an increase in cardiac output when almitrine was given , suggesting that right ventricular function was not affected .
15 What is less well-known is that rather similar effects may happen with a blow on the forehead which does not penetrate .
16 However , it is noticeable in a number of studies reviewed here that rather similar patterns are reported from studies undertaken in different locations .
17 She had scrumpled it up and tossed it into the wastepaper basket with an insouciant laugh … well , more of a furious scowl , actually , and then had had to put up with Helena asking whether Matthew Prescott was that rather super chap who had been featured in GQ a short while ago .
18 on page thirty one that rather grand building shown on the left hand side , is that ?
19 However , as was recognised by Lord Greene MR in Hivac Ltd v Park Royal Scientific Instruments Ltd [ 1946 ] Ch 169 , " The practical difficulty in any given case is to find exactly how far that rather vague duty of fidelity extends " .
20 ‘ I also gather , ’ continued the Dean , glancing this time at Wheeler , ‘ that Gray may have known that rather odd set-up on the wherry where your man Caretaker lives . ’
21 It was odd enough to see that rather feminine room crammed full with so many stern , dark-jacketed gentlemen , sometimes sitting three or four abreast upon a sofa ; but such was the determination on the part of some persons to maintain the appearance that this was nothing more than a social event that they had actually gone to the lengths of having journals and newspapers open on their knees .
22 The most important point is that rather flat-lying arrays can be generated by feasible mixing models despite the involvement of a plume endmember with fairly high Nd .
23 In general it seems fair to say that rather fewer Zuwaya were concerned with freedom of speech or opinion than with the threats to economic independence , which in their view was more closely bound up with identity and belonging .
24 ‘ Did you happen to notice that rather fine statuette of the Black Prince outside Anthea Darnell 's room ? ,
25 He had improved the efficiency of pumping engines by about 300% and also provided the machine that effectively mechanised industry and was hardly improved upon for about 50 years .
26 I might even say ‘ I hope you 're satisfied now ’ — that bitterly unjust phrase … .
27 Accepting that eventually two professors would be necessary , the meeting felt that in its then poor financial state the College might have to make do with one professor plus one subordinate teacher .
28 When all 12 EC countries were ostensibly progressing towards European monetary and political union , investors bought the higher yield bonds issued by countries such as Portugal , Spain and Italy on the assumption that eventually these yields would narrow to equal those obtainable from German government bonds .
29 I should have known that eventually some man would come along and take advantage of the situation .
30 When two solutions of different concentrations are separated by a membrane the tendency is for movement through the membrane to occur so that eventually both solutions are exactly the same strength on both sides of the membrane .
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