Example sentences of "that [adv] [verb] the " in BNC.

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31 It was also embodied in the Hours of the Virgin that daily reminded the devout laity as well as religious , of an archetypal pattern of suffering through which the nature of redemption was manifested and which established the means by which it would be experienced .
32 If other publications from the energy programme summarise the ‘ state of the art ’ as well as this gasification report , then there will be less need for the spurious and repetitious consultant reports that daily besiege the desk of the Third World policy maker .
33 Most people who made the pilgrimage found it well worth their while , not only for the quality of the music-making but also for a quality of staging and design that pointedly bypassed the often musically ruinous fads of post-war directors ' opera in order to re-establish contact with an older and still valid tradition that goes back , with a passing glance at the work of Wieland Wagner , through Gründgens and Reinhardt to Roller and Mahler and , in some respects , Wagner himself .
34 Lakatos offers Marxism and Freudian psychology as programmes that satisfy the first criterion but do not satisfy the second , and modern sociology as a programme that perhaps satisfies the second but does not satisfy the first .
35 I often think that perhaps putting the hub of the sails in , more or less in the centre of the picture perhaps , not the best place , but I think because in this case , we 've got a lot of trees down to the bottom here .
36 While much was achieved in improving safety standards , towards the decade 's end there was a series of accidents that perhaps shocked the public more than anything since Harrow & Wealdstone in the very early days of nationalisation .
37 There 's a bande sonore in the show that endlessly plays the music of the day , by Sidney Bechet , Boris Vian , Tadd Dameron , the Miles Davis/Charlie Parker 1945 Savoy Sessions .
38 He coins the term ‘ victimism ’ to label a community 's groans of discontent at a society that endlessly places the individual ahead of all else .
39 In this role , the pen can be used to select items , pull down menus , move objects around the screen ; in effect , to handle any task that hitherto required the use of a mouse .
40 Caps — cervical , vault or vimule — which are smaller devices that only cover the cervix , are also available .
41 In this way all records with named metals will be retrieved , as well as those that only possess the term ‘ metal ’ .
42 ‘ But we are not ready to become a rubber stamp that only certifies the existence of reforms .
43 When you choose a shade for your table or standard lamps , do n't choose the thick material that only puts the light up and down .
44 He kept seeing them over and over in his mind , like an action replay of a not very good football match that only showed the goals .
45 John O'Connor has described how , following up what was a Zanuck initiative , a Warner Bros team had eventually produced I am a Fugitive , a film that outspokenly denounced the Southern chain-gang system by using a true story that had received a great deal of publicity , the studio 's gamble on topicality really paying off when the real-life subject of the story was actually rearrested just a few months after the film 's release .
46 And her flights of memory are carried through lyric dance sequences that nicely exploit the five dancers ' fluent technique .
47 Nicolo 's words seemed to hang in the silence that suddenly enveloped the room .
48 No eye make-up , just a touch of mascara , some blusher and some lipstick , and that glowing tan that so emphasised the fairness of her hair .
49 Yet it was Leo 's betrayal that so twisted the knife inside her .
50 This week 's talks may lead to some reductions in American troop levels in the South , even to a scaling down of the military exercises that so infuriate the North , but it 's unlikely anything will happen about the border itself , which will remain the most heavily fortified in the world .
51 This would seem a clear inducement to revive the share-rigging practices that so embarrassed the finance ministry when a host of securities scandals broke in 1991 .
52 He always spoke about his poetry as ‘ the work ’ ; it was this sort of dispassion that so excited the BBC .
53 Ann Radcliffe ( 1764–1823 ) , novelist , the leading exponent of Gothic ( sensationalist ) fiction , SB 31 ; OMF ii 15 ; ‘ … as carefully boxed up behind two glazed calico curtains as any mysterious picture in any one of Mrs Radcliffe 's castles ’ : there is , in fact , only one ‘ mysterious picture ’ in Ann Radcliffe 's Gothic novels , the one concealed behind ‘ a veil of black silk ’ in the castle of Udolpho that so frightens the heroine , Emily , in chap .
54 In other words it represents the square root of 2 — the problem that so worried the Greeks because its answer was an irrational number !
55 Another spur to ‘ clear leadership ’ would be a field ‘ that so captures the imagination that it is of broad interest to society ’ .
56 A strong bloc of townsmen worth £10 and upwards made the average wealth of Bodmin , Cornwall , a trifle higher than in the rest of Trigg hundred , even though the taxed wage earners , who formed a negligible element in the country parishes , exceeded 40 per cent in the borough itself , numbers which point to a concentration of men who had effectively severed kinship ties with the Celtic extended family that so influenced the social structure of many villages .
57 Just as the new physics of Einstein will have such a devastating effect upon the philosophy of the twentieth century , so it is the physics of Isaac Newton ( 1642–1727 ) that so fires the imagination of the aristocratic intelligentsia .
58 Hitherto , youth , unlike children , had been largely ignored but the events and trends that so characterized the decades circa 1880 and 1920 brought young workers firmly within the investigative framework of the social sciences as report after report vividly illustrated their significance in most areas of society .
59 Mr Ridley should have said he would learn from the failure of a consumer and credit-based boom , end the exclusive reliance on interest rates that so damaged the industries he was supposed to represent .
60 The political and intellectual ‘ zeitgiest ’ of England in the Thirties appears to have suited James ' radical and romantic temperament ; this period of intense political ferment gave James the opportunity to become embroiled in the great political and ideological debates that so dominated the times .
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