Example sentences of "that [pers pn] does not " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Or is it the case , as millions now believe , that she does not want a resolution to this dispute ? ’
2 This is a procedure like Swift 's , except that Leapor is staking her claim to real dignity ; she asserts that she does not wish to be valued for beauty , but for her wit and , as we glean from other poems , her morals .
3 It is not that she does not know what to say , it is that there is not enough time to say all she knows .
4 Her emotional maturity should be such that she does not have to gratify personal needs at the patient 's expense .
5 Eventually he falls asleep , one arm outflung across her breasts so that she does not dare move it for fear of waking him , and , constricted , can not sleep herself .
6 But this same lady makes it clear that she does not know which side is right .
7 The number the volunteer chooses indicates that it is the yellow one that she does not like .
8 Your aim should be to see that she does not suffer long periods of loneliness and that she feels so well cared for that she can manage to endure her period of sorrow without too many crutches , until life becomes worth living again .
9 Creating this pattern may be so much second nature to her , that she does not recognize the skill involved and the complexity of her art .
10 Sometimes women need to make an effort to stretch the circle wider , and a newcomer will have to enter it , knowing that she does not fit in easily , but that her presence may transform it .
11 Camilla 's sister , Annabelle Elliott , admitted that she does not know for sure whether there is any truth in rumours of a relationship with Prince Charles .
12 ‘ The other point which is missing from the statement is that she does not deny that her marriage to Prince Charles is in trouble . ’
13 She should be given a generous financial settlement — on condition that she does not sell her memoirs of life among the royals .
14 And that she does not do this is not accidental .
15 Debbie 's view of knowledge as a body of fact means that she does not regard the acquisition of skills , ways of thinking about and approaching problems as an important part of learning and does not , therefore , consider their potential usefulness in jobs .
16 He fears , as this moving tableau blots out his view , that she does not want to look at him but , then , just as he is allowing himself this painful thought , she turns and kisses him on the eyes before taking his cock in her mouth .
17 She does not look nice ; she knows that she does not look nice .
18 When she complains of the drudgery of studying sound changes , Bernard hints that she does not really have what it takes to be a scholar .
19 A second situation is where the woman explicitly states that she does not consent and attempts to resist .
20 Alternatively , the defendant may , by his conduct , have so terrified the victim , that she does not dare register her non-consent .
21 Mrs Puri has always made it clear that she does not like Abroad .
22 This means that they must on no account fail us , just as , to take a different level , the woman whose beauty we find captivating must be seen to maintain her attractions : so much so that we ‘ will ’ her to display a beauty that she does not always possess , or perhaps has never possessed .
23 FIFTIES star Connie Francis has confessed for the first time that she does not like her biggest hits .
24 The difficulty is that it does not , one does not — not in one 's art , not in one 's life .
25 This has the advantage that it does not require the pilot to remember any special movement of the controls other than the movement forward to unstall .
26 The first thing to notice about functionalism is that it does not fare any better than behaviourism in providing an account of what it is that V knows and BS does not , for BS could know all about V 's functional or covertly behavioural states ; so there is no lack of knowledge that his deficit could consist in .
27 Most of their important critical texts , Edwards remarks , are theoretical , in that they prompt fundamental reflections about the basic nature of writing , even if , ‘ One notices about such writing that it does not necessarily offer itself as theory , that it is directed towards what we now call literature and not towards something else . ’
28 The Chancellor has evidently made it clear to Moscow that West Germany respects East Germany 's existence as a separate state , that it does not want to alter the present military set-up of Nato and the Warsaw Pact , and that although it aims to overcome the division of Europe , this does not also apply to the political division of Germany — at least for the foreseeable future .
29 The Government has stuffed the authority so full of cash -it is being privatised with £242m of cash in its balance sheet ( equivalent to more than £140 for every person in the region ) — that it does not need any medium-term credit facilities .
30 At Brighton a month ago we watched Paddy Ashdown keep a tight enough grip on his party to ensure that it does not slip away into the political undergrowth .
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