Example sentences of "that [pers pn] think i " in BNC.

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1 One of Crossman 's cardinal convictions was that Britain was run not as a democracy but as an oligarchy — and that view of his was perhaps partially reflected in my own youthful outburst against the essentially incestuous relationship between politicians and journalists that I thought I had discovered even within the people 's party .
2 As I was applying to art school I needed a reference so I told Vivienne that I thought I 'd ask Malcolm , since he was my employer .
3 In this particular instance , I casually ‘ looked through my window ’ and muttered to myself that I thought I saw ‘ some people ’ outside my house .
4 I said that I thought I could just about get my act together sufficiently to come .
5 My son was so feeble that I thought I would lose him at birth .
6 I felt so enthusiastic when I found this out and I began to read the stories , that I thought I saw the River of the Leprechauns , which is the crystal road to their kingdom ‘ Undersea . ’
7 My problem , if you can call it that , at the time was that I thought I had all the natural talent in the world and did n't need to train .
8 ‘ I 've got so many pictures that I thought I 'd have a clear out ’ , she explains , surrounded by the sale items which represent months of hard work .
9 ‘ I 've got so many pictures that I thought I 'd have a clear out ’ , she explains , surrounded by the sale items which represent months of hard work .
10 I started off the way I write every album — wrote a couple of songs , got a feel for the music and called up the musicians that I thought I could do the songs with .
11 Asked how personal development had been affected , responses reveal improvements in self-confidence , social skills and aspirations : ‘ it has given me extra confidence to speak at meetings , e.g. community council , community association meetings ’ ; ‘ it has brought out skills I never new I had ’ ; ‘ I have learned to work closer with people since I joined , which is a new experience for me , and become more tolerant of people 's attitudes and ways ’ ; ‘ I am more aware of my own attitude towards my group ’ ; ‘ it has given me more confidence in my own ability to learn new skills ’ ; ‘ made me do things that I thought I was not capable of doing ’ .
12 Afterwards I felt ashamed that I thought I knew better than they did , especially when they were doing everything for free .
13 ‘ Only that I thought I might move house in a couple of years .
14 ‘ I was n't ; it was only when I was talking about it to Gina that I thought I ought to come here and tell you . ’
15 It has made me question every aspect of my teaching , including things that I thought I was doing well !
16 ‘ Sexual liberation ’ , the appearance of pornography seemed , again , to have a freedom and an ease that I thought I did n't have .
17 ‘ How can I believe you , when all that I thought I knew of you was false … ? ’
18 It takes me places that I thought I 'd never see
19 Having been diagnosed , I abandoned that I thought I knew , which was a series of stereotypes about cancer .
20 At least I you see , with the virus I was sometimes in such a state that I thought I might have bowel cancer
21 I remember a go , a go with some of them that I thought I could do , but realised I ca n't do , do you know what I mean ?
22 At Calais the peg-legged porter unloading the baggage with as much agility as his able-bodied fellows became , in my over-heated imagination , a victim of Verdun , and such was the exotic evocation of ‘ foreign soil ’ , that I think I expected northern France to be totally distinct from southern England — almost like another planet .
23 I was so needy at the time that I think I would have gone off with the first person who told me I was attractive and showed my affection .
24 I hate doing it so much that I think I will find just one more excuse to put off the preaching .
25 ‘ I have such confidence in Edgar 's love that I think I could kill him , and he would n't blame me for it .
26 Michelle said : ‘ I did n't like the free fall , but apart from that I think I would do it all again . ’
27 ‘ What I mean , ’ said Robert , feeling a direct approach was required , ‘ is that I think I am having a nervous breakdown . ’
28 I will want to come back on the same point that 's just been made , but if before I get to that there are some other points that I think I should make in explanation of the lead we have given , if I may call it that , in putting forward the distribution of the Greater York total .
29 Well I must admit that I think I 'd find it a real struggle to cut wheat out of my diet .
30 I do n't suggest that I think I should keep going on a year by year basis .
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