Example sentences of "that [pers pn] think we " in BNC.

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1 We had passed so close to the Dutchman that I thought we must have run over his foot .
2 Back in Britain writing my last newsletter to the Group in Scotland I had loved and brought together , I said that I thought we had to be much bolder , taking an a priori stance on the fact that there could be no discrimination against women .
3 I answered my own question , and said that I thought we must be middle class , and reflected very precisely in that moment on my mother 's black waisted coat with the astrakhan collar , and her high-heeled black suede shoes , her lipstick .
4 She looked so much better than the fat , spreading South London mothers around us , that I thought we had to be middle class .
5 I say that I thought we had already been through all this .
6 ‘ There was everything between you … everything that I thought we had … in Seville … and here .
7 It is in the pages of these magazines that I think we can see most clearly how editorial policy , whether it is conscious or unconscious on the part of the editors , operates .
8 ‘ In the Nineties we are regaining a sense of balance , of authenticity , that I think we lost after World War II .
9 Question ten is a very involved question that I think we wo n't look at now .
10 That 's not to say that I think we made a mistake .
11 ‘ All I 'm saying is that I think we need to be apart for a while , come down to earth , if you like .
12 One of the areas erm that I think we specifically try to fasten on are , is , is actually in the gaps .
13 York 's a historic city of some hundred and four thousand people , covering some two thousand nine hundred hectares , but that city itself is only part of the settlement that I think we would all regard as as York itself , that covers a larger population of some a hundred and thirty five thousand people , er contained er within the York outer ring road , and referenced to the the map submitted with my H One submission , and also the greenbelt plan which we 've we 've just put up on the board there , er will show you the the broader extent of the urban area .
14 Erm , the other point that I think we should be clear and we should remember , that this Council has still not wavered .
15 I think that I think we 've agreed that that is to be taken on board by the
16 These are the ones I am particularly anxious about at the moment , erm , now I 've put down four different headings on this particular way that I think we could help , erm , and hopefully , if there 's two hundred perhaps you 'd tell me whether there 's two hundred thousand is aimed at perhaps some of it , in , in this direction or not , I do n't know ?
17 One thing that I think we have to be very careful about , if we did legalize cannabis there would be a proportion of adolescents who would get a great kick out of it , but there would those who do n't get the kick because it 's not illegal .
18 They are in the sense that I think we believe they 're mandatory , do n't we ?
19 But er given the er the position in terms of there is a policy statement in the structure plan which refers to the A sixty one and A fifty nine relief roads , er if it 's going to be helpful then e as well as the er A fifty nine , then it would be appropriate to show the western relief road rather than a series of er of arrows , to similarly show that I think we 'd have to show that as two st two er stars or arrows rather than one because we would need to er indicate both to the north and south of the A fifty nine .
20 But it 's that figure there that I think we need to concentrate on as far as good bonuses are concerned .
21 The only issue that I think we have some er difficulty with in the policy as it stands at the moment , is the uncertainty that arises between the figure provided in policy I five of forty six hectares for the city , and actually our agreed calculation which I think the County Council accept , that site availability in the city is limited to something in the order of thirty three hectares if we exclude er one site which is subject to a dispute between parties er in relation to the greenbelt .
22 So , I mean what I 'm saying is that I think we should have a league table if you like of , of attendances , I , I recognise that that may not be popular , but I think it 's going to be one way of sorting out those people who attend every opportunity , and sometimes just to pat an officer on the back .
23 I think it 's slightly after the witching hour , so that I think we should begin .
24 That 's something that I think we need to have a look at .
25 And I 've said that the maximum that I think we could reasonably cope with would be five .
26 Erm apart from that I think we 've done everything this week .
27 Now do n't take that too literally , certainly in sub zero temperatures and I think the first of December and to do so would I think er have er maybe with some risk of being in 's phrase stark raving bonkers but by that you may think I mean that I think we made a fair attempt to deal with the three principle issues which have caused so much annoyance to user groups , there 's a backlog in modification orders .
28 What I will say , though , is that I think we killed off Kilmarnock 's challenge at the week-end and , if we do n't go up now , we should be put up against a wall and shot . ’
29 I think , I 'm not going to encourage debate on that I think we 've heard what Kenneth said particularly about the trusts the working done by the trust and would suggest that we ask Granville to take that on board as well and be within the presentations too .
30 right , well that 's the sort of things that I think we want to find out and in slower time I was actually going to ring the yeah at Telford and say speak to me about this and maybe pop in one morning on my way into town and just say this is the idea how does it grab you and if they say you 're not on fine , but it 's things like that that I think we want to explore .
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