Example sentences of "that [pers pn] do [pron] " in BNC.

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31 Really , thought Liz , really : Deirdre was exactly the kind of neurotic that she did her best , professionally , to avoid — narcissistic , exhibitionistic , selfish , manipulative , childish , unreliable , unpunctual , self-satisfied even in the depths of self-reproach , and yet there she somehow managed to stand , in the middle of Liz 's own kitchen , brandishing a pie knife .
32 ‘ The alternative , of course , is that she did it .
33 People will argue that she did it as a good deed , in helping her husband 's friend .
34 Yeah , yeah her mum found out , yeah she started shouting at her , but then the daughter pointed out that she did it as well .
35 ‘ The man is saying that you keep the noise down , and I am saying that you do what the man says . ’
36 They are things that you do which actually improve your department both in the short and in the long-term .
37 And then I think I want to ask you people the question , ‘ What is it that you do which is potentially interesting to the world ? ’ okay ?
38 Traditional exercises like sit-ups , press-ups and pull-ups are great for strengthening the body , providing that you do them properly .
39 Take three breaths and then repeat the Energizing Breathing so that you do it three times altogether .
40 If you are going to take notes , let the candidate know at this stage , explain that you do it for all the candidates , and that they are nothing sinister but simply a memory aid .
41 The most important thing is that you do it — do n't wait for your partner to bring the subject up , it may never happen !
42 ( In fact , we do not know how to do it , but it is important that you do it well ! )
43 The only thing that 's ever wrong with saying something you believe to be false is that you do it in order to mislead someone whom you think will believe what you say .
44 Well that 's fine then erm and what what what happens is that you do it through a bank but there are banks which I think Barclays and the Cooperative Bank and maybe one or two others do it .
45 But it 's a good marketing exercise the fact that you do it .
46 Lastly , which is something we all reach eventually , hopefully , is what we call unconscious competence , when you know how to do something so well that you do it un without thinking , it 's like driving .
47 signing that you do it in advance rather than just
48 I would also like , and I know this is where I 'll get problems I would if we are gon na try and get the kids into a routine over them doing their work I think the easiest routine for them to have is that you do you , you get , you have your lesson you do your homework that night and you hand it in the next day .
49 It is important that you do your chosen exercise at a pace that makes you slightly breathless and increases your heart rate , but not so much that you can not maintain the exercise for at least twenty or thirty minutes .
50 You must exercise your mind each day in the same way that you do your body .
51 So — we would much rather that you went out on a limb , that you did something , that you listened to the remarks of your peers and possibly to the remarks that we might make about them , take them away and think about them .
52 It only took an instant , yet when you look back into their eyes you know that they know that you did it , and you know that they know that you know that they know !
53 ‘ Admit that you did it ! ’
54 ‘ It would probably indicate to the police that you did it .
55 Er not at the time that you did it .
56 It is n't , you can put anything up you like , the only illegality is not applying after you 've done it , and when you apply after you 've done it , all we can do is consider the planning reasons , not the fact that you did it without permission .
57 You can console yourself with the thought that you did your best .
58 I know that you did your best , and you said yourself that the poor thing had little hope of surviving the birth ’ — his attitude to her had changed .
59 ‘ I agree that we do nothing .
60 I think on balance I mi I my advice is that we do nothing , just wait and see if whether he contacts you at all .
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