Example sentences of "that [noun pl] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A female that pairs monogamously with a male will get some help from him with rearing the chicks .
2 Konrad Lorenz wrote that birds even in total isolation are able to produce a recognisable version of the song of their species .
3 Undistracted by Rainbow 's presence , or by the white noise that pulses continuously around Anya 's troubled soul , I perform a little self examination , to sound out the position of the binding points , and decipher the formulae that pin me down .
4 tt right , yeah , incomes have risen throughout the world and that impacts both on the demand for agricultural products and also the demand for manufactured products but what do we know about demand elasticities for those two products , income elasticities what 's the income elasticity of manufactured goods ?
5 Because you see all that we 've heard is that gentlemen just before Mr he listened at the door before but of course the front door is nowhere near the master bedroom .
6 My experience is that kids really like their parents best , unless the very worst is going on .
7 The Mountain View , California-based Unicode Consortium has merged its multi-lingual encoding standard with the recently approved ISO 10646 , developed by the International Standards Organisation : the idea is that computers all over the world should agree on which number stands for which character so they will be able to communicate other in any language .
8 Or drive south from Ramsey to Douglas on a road that snakes upwards into the collar of cloud that rests on the shoulders of Snaefell , the highest mountain on Man .
9 It seems to demonstrate that secretaries instead of being secretaries expect to become executives , which was presumably not in the job terms of reference when they applied .
10 We must , after all , remember that we can produce sufficient cholesterol within our own bodies and that fats high in polyunsaturates contain the same amount of calories as the original saturated products so they do not aid slimming in any way .
11 The aim of this legislation , as the Supreme Court noted , is to facilitate economic development , although it is fair to add that lenders both from within and outside the country have been pressing for change for some time .
12 It 's a film that appeals more to the intellect than to the gut — definitely a Kafka high .
13 Er , open your binder , any ring binder system has the basic functional disadvantage that pages close to the bottom of the rings , are very difficult to write on .
14 Also , we observed that males close to the breeding site seem deliberately to sit out on roads , where they have a clear view , and wait to jump on females as they pass .
15 Mr Overbye does not accept that theories currently in vogue are necessarily true .
16 The national television and radio stations reported on March 13 that lawyers all over the country were demanding Muite 's resignation , and articles in three national newspapers accused him of maligning Kenya 's former President , Jomo Kenyatta .
17 It 's a tragic fact that children most in need of sensitive care , those living in institutions , are sometimes the least likely to get it .
18 The world summit for children which took place at the weekend caught the headlines around the world and the world 's leaders put their heads together and agreed that children all round the world are suffering and something must be done about it .
19 That children early in language acquisition produce isolated acts of reference , seems to support the view of reference as a speech act ( see Chapter 5 ) that is prototypically " demonstrative " ( Lyons , 1975 ; Atkinson , 1979 ) .
20 And so , on 9 February , 1950 , to a startled audience of women Republicans in Wheeling , West Virginia , McCarthy raised the favourite bogey : ‘ How can we account for our present situation unless we believe that men high in this government are concerting to deliver us to disaster ?
21 Now , there are quite a number of reasons for this and the good news , I think , that I bought good news again this morning is that presentations both about budgets er , and about what we do wi with the small churches is , er , could be some of our salvation .
22 A Spanish parliamentary commission , which had visited El Salvador in November 1990 to investigate the murder of the Jesuits ( five of whom were Spanish ) , reported in its findings on Jan. 29 that the involvement of the Salvadorean armed forces in the murders was evident , and that others apart from the nine soldiers at present accused also bore responsibility .
23 It appeared that students all over China were on edge and quite willing to express their numerous grievances , encouraged by leading intellectuals and various ‘ factions ’ within the party itself .
24 The couple discovered that residents just outside the canvassed area had written to Shepherd & Wedderburn , complaining , though Mr Clark says he has never been told their identities .
25 Sure , there are no working clocks in the entire flat , just one lively broken green thing that ticks happily as if it could tell the time , though the second hand only pulses and stays in one place .
26 His romantic idea that gangsters closer to reality than the rest of us .
27 First , because we wish to find out about children as such ; second , because we believe that events early in life play an important part in shaping adult personality .
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