Example sentences of "that [pers pn] [is] of " in BNC.

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1 The blood 's being tested , but I 'm not expecting to hear that it 's of animal origin . ’
2 Each gesture in a sequence must be carefully timed so that it is of proper value to the whole .
3 Those more experienced than Marie in practising acts of intimidation and violence could have told her that it is of ten a mistake to delay , to let your victims talk to you .
4 Nevertheless , Mitchell points out that it is of the nature of commitment to come to terms with what may count against one 's own beliefs as well as what may count for them .
5 Finally , I urge again that it is of crucial importance to remember the factual context in which these problems may arise .
6 ‘ It will be useless to observe to the Society that it is of the greatest importance to procure a place as soon as possible , if the Professor is not enabled to begin his Lectures by Christmas ( 1791 ) the establishment will be put off for one year — the Zootomy being strictly the first part he is to begin to teach to the pupils , which everyone knows could not be attempted in the Summer — and it would be feared too long a delay might hurt the success of the establishment . ’
7 When he suggests that it is of no consequence or importance which road one takes provided the goal is attained ultimately , he would seem to be implying that the end justifies the means .
8 Incidentally it is just at this point that I find many theologians who enter this field particularly weak ; mainly because what they deduce from a Biblical view is so general ( and sometimes even vague ) that it is of little practical help in choosing between the main alternatives of the world today .
9 Autonomy is important to everyone , but I think it is fair to say that it is of particular importance in adolescence .
10 It seems that it is of continuing importance for women to be able to call upon relatives to assist them with child care , and that this still is a key element in women 's organization of their daily lives , as it has been in the past ( see for example Roberts , 1984 ) .
11 There is also some evidence that it is of particular importance when women ( and less frequently men ) are left as the custodial parent after a marriage ends .
12 Another figure of Hercules with a bow appears on a beaker from Godmanchester ( fig. 14.38 ) Only the top of the bow survives but it is clear from its shape that it is of the eastern type .
13 The European Commission believes that it is of great importance for the completion of the internal market that a further protocol including the right of artists to claim an exhibition royalty be attached to the Berne Convention .
14 It further assumes that no clothing is purchased which is not absolutely necessary for health and assumes too that it is of the plainest and most economical description . ’
15 I would add that it is of importance to the Bank for the purposes of its own domestic supervision and in order to safeguard the interests of depositors that : ( a ) it is aware of any serious breaches of local law in any other jurisdictions in which an authorised institution conducts its business and of any steps taken by overseas supervisors in the event of such breaches ; and ( b ) where , because of the multi-national nature of an institution , the Bank is in part dependent upon overseas supervision , that supervision is conducted in an effective manner .
16 The notional expenditure level assessed by the GRE plays a vital role in the process of allocation for the Block Grant element of the Rate Support Grant , so that it is of considerable importance for the assessment procedure to be equitable .
17 The water authority must be contacted to establish if a mains water supply is available and that it is of an adequate size and pressure to serve the development .
18 Smaller animals can therefore live where there is less food , provided that it is of high energy content .
19 The problem is , however , that it is of little help in producing a list of user needs : the temptation would be to say either that everyone requires the same information or that everyone requires different information ; the former would make the exercise redundant and the latter would make it impossible to handle .
20 In the context of the Bill , we will ensure that more adult education is available locally , and that it is of better quality .
21 Will he accept that it is of particular interest to householders in Chelmsford because they accept that home energy labelling will lead to substantial energy savings ?
22 However , knowledge of a scheme , and indeed making use of it , does not necessarily demonstrate that it is of any particular value .
23 I am afraid this is all very complicated and difficult to untangle at short notice , but I hope , nonetheless , that it is of some help .
24 Although the post-reflex augmentation of UOS pressure is statistically highly significant , in absolute terms it is a modest effect and we doubt that it is of great importance for the prevention of oesophagopharyngeal reflux .
25 I think one point is not allowed for in the criteria and that it is of relevance .
26 Another spur to ‘ clear leadership ’ would be a field ‘ that so captures the imagination that it is of broad interest to society ’ .
27 Sex , thus , is not a theme of the Miller 's Tale in the way that it is of Dame Sirith and the Shipman 's Tale .
28 The reason that it has received so much attention is not primarily that it is of practical importance ( although it has applications , e.g. Sections 26.2 , 26.5 , 26.6 ) , but rather that it has become a context for the development of ideas about the consequences of instability and evolution towards turbulent motion .
29 It is not sufficient to show that it is of less use to the owner in its present state than if developed .
30 That means five thousand eight hundred and twenty five pounds which one multiplies by four , giving a total under that schedule of twenty three thousand , three hundred pounds , I regret to say that it is of course inherent in the judgment that I have to deliver that there is a good deal of what
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