Example sentences of "that [pers pn] [modal v] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I thought we really would make a new start , that I would sort of … make him blossom . ’
2 A myrrour of glasse , that I may prene therin ;
3 So that I may wheel and deal .
4 . What I 'll do is that I 'll final of action shortly and I 'll tu
5 ‘ Do you have a camera , a second-hand , for about £12 , that I can hand-hold outside ? ’
6 ‘ I may have to miss the first game but I 'm hoping to get myself a boot made for my left foot with a steel plate in it to protect the toe so that I can practice as soon as I get to India . ’
7 said all I 'm worried about is did I wash my hair too early for you so she said it 's alright I 've got a spray that I can sort of cos she likes it quite wet when she
8 I I I I think that 's one of the options that I could sort of er I could still be the li , cleaner over here .
9 For many years , I have wished more than words can say that I could unburden myself , unbutton my secret .
10 Over the next few days I was in touch by letter and by phone with Eliot , and finally it was arranged , in a note dated 9 May , that I should lunch with him on Thursday 19 May , which , as he carefully specified , was Ascension Day .
11 ‘ I did n't set out to find you — it 's sheer coincidence that I should chance to walk along the same street and into the same pub .
12 ‘ I believe that I should soldier on with my policies .
13 Outraged by the bloody repression , Dai Qing publicly resigned from the Communist Party and said that she would distance herself from politics to concentrate on her writings .
14 No one was within earshot , they were miles from anywhere , it seemed , and even if she jumped in the river and swam for it the chance that she would outmanoeuvre him in the water was slim .
15 I love the way that she can edge in to a theme with extreme gentleness .
16 She has found that she can interest modern teenagers , and develop attitudes of stillness and attentiveness and reflectiveness , through detailed study of certain masterpieces .
17 But there , from any notes , she felt that she could piece together what had taken place .
18 None the less her experiences with those other professionals led her to believe that she could nut affect the result of their deliberations .
19 She squatted down to his level , and he stuck his chin up in the air so that she could rebutton his coat for him .
20 When you book your ( Club 19–30 ) Holiday we want you to be so satisfied that you 'll book with us again next year .
21 And then you could put arrows round the outside , for comments that you might conversation , erm , conversation A and B , if you 're doing two .
22 Big osier ones , flat , that you could crook over your arm or set on the ground .
23 Nobody expects me to say that you could gig with either of these amps , do they ?
24 Sail area should be such that you can reef at about 20 knots apparent with a crew of two .
25 So anyway she had the er settee and brought a friend with her with a well I think it was one of these Range Rovers that you can seat erm , you know , about seven and he dropped the seats down and got the settee in , I do n't know how he managed it .
26 Well Cajun stuff and all that I thought , and then there 's them you can do some long kebabs and all that , that 's why if we get one of them charcoal grills that you can pa shoo , shee shoo .
27 Again , it 's of paramount importance to keep an overview so that you can gear each aspect towards achieving the objective .
28 It is useful to record dialogues , so that you can practice on your own when your language helper is not available .
29 It 's a frustrating affair though — do n't think for a second that you can breeze through this game ; think yourself lucky if you get past the first few levels !
30 mum , mum wanted one of these new , new sockets to put th erm th one that you can sort of clip out clip in
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