Example sentences of "that [noun pl] may [verb] " in BNC.

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31 There is a danger that parents may become the new fashion , the non-political perfect solution to any aggressive problem arising between the local and the national .
32 The US National Commission on Air Quality ( 1981 ) typically found that models may overpredict or underpredict from actual concentrations by a factor of two .
33 On the other hand there are some qualifications that technicians may take , we may be lucky , we may get such a person , and I hope so .
34 It is conceivable that quotas may come into future use to encourage or limit the numbers of certain types of applicant .
35 Every farmer knows that engineers may lower the levels of rivers for all they are worth , but that , without a follow-up operation of underdrainage in each saturated field , the real rewards for agriculture will never be harvested .
36 Finally , you ought to keep in mind the possibility that circumstances may change between the time when you are first told that you are a redundancy candidate and the date when your employment ends .
37 It is intended that the system of Special Discounts should continue in subsequent years , although the percentage discount and the rules by which policies will qualify may vary from year to year and the possibility can not be ruled out that circumstances may arise which would make it inappropriate to grant any Special Discount at all .
38 The court recognised , however , that circumstances may arise which require not merely the carrying out of a fresh balancing exercise but the disclosure of documents within this otherwise immune class because of some yet more potent countervailing public interest .
39 The rationale for the inclusion of B in the money equation is that governments may finance expenditures which they are reluctant to pay for through taxes by methods which expand the money stock .
40 The reasons are that banks may choose to hold a different liquidity ratio ; customers may not take up all the credit on offer ; and there may be no simple liquidity ratio given the range of near money assets .
41 A major problem with imposing restrictions of this kind is that banks may find ways of getting round them .
42 They also proposed that dealers may hold competing dealerships in an area and provide other services outside their territories .
43 The main reason why the long-run Phillips curve may have a negative slope is that workers may continue to suffer from money illusion in the long-run and so be prepared to accept money wage increases which fall short of the actual inflation rate .
44 Secondly , a wage-change variable is included in addition to a price variable since it is hypothesised that workers may seek to unionise not only to defend existing standards of living but also to attempt to improve upon them .
45 But it adds : ‘ We would not wish to underestimate the difficulties that individuals may face during the period of transition … . ’
46 The consequence of this ( and the unpredictable timing of death ) is that individuals may leave more to their heirs than they would have left had there been perfect markets .
47 Butterflies do so by displaying their wings , the marvellous intricate patterns of which are statements of identity so that individuals may recognise those with whom mating can be fertile .
48 The first , stricter , doctrine of neutrality allows that individuals may act to implement their ideals in their lives , and in the life of their community , but only to the extent that they can do so by non-political means .
49 Because NMDA receptors are assumed to be located on dendritic spines , it is believed that spines may act to localize the Ca 2+ signal .
50 Section 5(9) states that Customs may make regulations with respect to the time of supply of services for a consideration the whole or part of which is determined or payable periodically ( known as ‘ continuous supplies of services ’ ) .
51 The first ingredient for success is that managers are sensitive to the impact that changes may make to the lives of those concerned .
52 Some organisations print a sheet of miniature photographs so that editors may choose which , if any , they would like to have .
53 It was also suggested that theologians may need to look at the theology of play in order to gain a more positive understanding of the entertainment role of the media .
54 Starting with Aristotle , elaborate classification systems have been built up to show that things may belong to the same class ( and therefore have common features ) even if their appearance is different .
55 When we include uncertainty , er , we ought to acknowledge that farmers may behave not as profit , profit maximizers erm , but as profit satisfiers , and that 's reflected in their , in their risk-aversion .
56 The NFU says it is possible that farmers may have to make a more positive contribution in return for conservation cash .
57 Editor , — Otitis media with effusion is a controversial issue , as pointed out by Ruut A De Melker , but the complications of grommet insertion may have been overstated — no paper published in English suggests that grommets may cause cholesteatoma .
58 Briefing sessions should provide advice on the precautions that expatriates may take to reduce health risks .
59 These results suggest that expression of E-cadherin by LC promotes persistence of these cells in epidermis , and that cadherins may play important and unanticipated roles in interactions between leukocytes and epithelia .
60 In these cases it may be that searches may have to rely on matches with length , shape and first letter .
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