Example sentences of "that [prep] [pos pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But in other families where flight is less important and both streamers and graduated tails have evolved , our analysis suggests that during their initial evolution , streamers would have been relatively poor indicators of male quality .
2 It is salutary to be reminded that during its early years the processions of the newly created Salvation Army were often the subject of violent attack from other protesters , sometimes hooligan groups , who formed a counter-force called the Skeleton Army .
3 So unusual was this setup that during its early days we even had dealers contacting us to discover how it was being done !
4 Likewise , various scurrilous attacks were made on Constanze 's honour , suggesting that during her frequent sojourns in Baden she had taken Mozart 's pupil Süssmayr as a lover , and that her last child ( who bore Süssmayr 's Christian names ) was his .
5 He said that during his recent visit to Moscow , President Gorbachev had given a warning that the failure of East Germany 's reform process would not only destabilise the GDR but also have ‘ serious repercussions ’ for perestroika in the Soviet Union .
6 He said that during his recent visit to Moscow , President Gorbachev had given a warning that the failure of East Germany 's reform process would not only destabilise the GDR but also have ‘ serious repercussions ’ for perestroika in the Soviet Union .
7 The NSF claimed that during his planned 10-day visit over the Easter period the former King could be the unintentional subject of " obscure manipulations " which might threaten his dignity and safety , and that the publicity surrounding his presence could be seen " as a political gesture of a nature to bring unwanted elements into the election campaign " .
8 They have got to the stage having gone through the consultation , having done the assessments , looked at the alternatives , have declared that as their preferred route which er the next stage would then be as I say , the planning process .
9 There is now problems on the streets of , there is anger in the outer areas that through your postal code politics people are not getting a fair deal in the outer areas of this city .
10 Thank you for receiving WISE VI and I am sure that through our joint efforts , the visit will achieve the objectives we all support .
11 It is an irrelevant disappointment that after her delightful scene with Princess Katherine ( Emma Thompson ) , Geraldine McEwan as Alice has nothing to do but adjust a veil or two and look pleased .
12 Moreover , the fact remains that despite its recent record on public participation , MDC 's accountability to elected authorities and local communities continues to be at its own discretion .
13 Already at the end of the Breshnev era — in the early 1980s — Russian sociologist Tatiana Zaslavskaia was saying in a report which filtered through to the West that despite its planned and ordered appearance the Soviet economy was in fact developing in a spontaneous fashion .
14 Now , with the proposed acquisition of CGI , IBM is effectively saying that despite its vast army of surplus employees , it ca n't find 4,000 among with the skills , or the ability to acquire the skills to be found in an unexceptional middle-ranking software and computer services company — and the move is hardly a morale-booster for all the people within IBM that ply their trade in software and services .
15 In an analysis of camera angles Rich demonstrated that despite its ostensible anti-porn content Not a Love Story in fact reproduced the voyeuristic position which lends pornography its appeal .
16 Press comment on the swingeing HMI criticisms of a Hackney comprehensive school focused on the fact that despite its obvious shortcomings , the school was oversubscribed .
17 The regiment is stressing that despite its imminent merger with another regiment it 's still very much in business .
18 The main criticisms focused on the lack of progress in the provision of international holidays but principally on the fact that despite its founding objectives , to improve the lot of the exploited labouring classes , the Fellowship was becoming ‘ rather middle class in spirit , and conservative in ideas … .
19 ‘ Do n't like the look of her , ’ she remarked loudly in the hall , forgetting that despite her other failings Miss Trimm 's hearing had sharpened with age .
20 Raynor paused , looking down into the half-closed eyes , and saw Grainne smile , and saw , as well , that despite her apparent tranquillity , she had been nervous , and that it had not been easy for her to come to his room .
21 It is true that despite her natural handicaps and the overriding barrier to mobility and enterprise represented by serfdom , Russia 's non-agricultural economy did expand substantially in the period .
22 But in a few more months , Joyce wrote his apologia and made it clear that despite their apparent freedom of choice , there was in reality only one decision that he could have taken :
23 Tina knew that despite their great differences , the brothers loved each other .
24 It might be argued that despite their relative success at ‘ making out ’ in prison , long-firm fraudsters suffer far greater ‘ relative deprivation ’ than do other prisoners .
25 But Hughes is adamant that despite their glittering array of striking talent with himself , Ryan Giggs , Ian Rush and Dean Saunders in the side Wales are taking nothing for granted .
26 Their prices rose by just 30% between 1975 and 1983 , suggesting that despite their historical importance , their work was being eclipsed by the Impressionists and the School of Paris .
27 But he said ’ The offence with which you are charged is so serious that despite your personal mitigating factors a non-custodial sentence can not be justified . ’
28 At the same time it needs to be stressed that despite his close relations with Wagner the man and his reverence for Wagner the artist , Nietzsche 's first-hand acquaintance with his idol 's artistic achievements was in one important respect limited : experience of Wagnerian music drama in its proper theatrical setting was largely denied him .
29 I saw that despite his good looks Syl was a little too short and a little too fat , that when he went about his garden stripped to bathing trunks he aroused not desire but embarrassment .
30 She said that despite his little weaknesses ( here Carole thought of Grace 's bruised bum ) , she had always found Sir Ralph to be a proper gentleman .
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