Example sentences of "that run from [art] " in BNC.

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1 the centres are synchronized by interneurons that run from the ventilation centre to other interneurons which are antecedent to the spiracular motor neurons in the ganglion of the same segment as the spiracle concerned .
2 But when I mentioned that there was a legendary tunnel that ran from the battlements of Beaufort down through the sheer rock to the bottom of the Litani gorge , they leapt to their feet and bounded up one of the staircases .
3 At Easter 1983 , a crowd the police estimated at 40,000 linked hands to form a human chain that ran from the air base at Greenham Common to Aldermaston and the Royal Ordnance Factory at Burghfield in Berkshire .
4 Polly looked about her in amazement as they flew higher and higher , and higher still across fields and meadows , until they reached the river that ran from the village to the town .
5 But the road that ran from the town , called Théovard , by-passed Les Glycines five hundred yards to the north , and we dismounted rather than run the motor cycle over the pitted lane .
6 The make-up did a terrific job , but could n't get rid of the two deep creases that ran from the corners of her mouth to her jawline , or the network of lines on her brow .
7 She slid her fingers reluctantly into his , feeling the shudder that ran from the point of contact shooting up her arm in a most unsettling way .
8 SPORTING blue berets and Uzi submachineguns as they hurtle along in their spanking new vehicles , 1,000 Italian soldiers have started to patrol the 300-kilometre ( 190-mile ) road that runs from the Mozambican port of Beira westward to landlocked Zimbabwe .
9 I did the walk last summer on a fine sunny afternoon , leaving Malham by the beck that runs from the village to the pretty little waterfall at Janet 's Foss .
10 It is stiffened by a slender bony rod housed in a sheath that runs from the back of the beak , behind the skull and over its top to the front of the face .
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