Example sentences of "that make it [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 There was no one thing that made it go wrong .
2 All were matted with puffs of trees ; the bright thread of a waterfall was laid over one , a snail 's silver trail ; and one was crossed by a great rift that made it appear a giant 's helter-skelter .
3 Holders of this theory would suggest that syphilis was already established in Europe in pre-Columbian days and it was the increase in knowledge and the travel resulting from the Renaissance that made it appear as if a new disease had been introduced .
4 She realized that it was not shame that made it cower , but further fear .
5 He smiled slowly down at her , his gaze centring on her mouth in a way that made it start to throb .
6 Even with these limitations , the home-grown system brought British Gypsum benefits that made it want to take EDI much further .
7 But it was something about her , something that made it work between them .
8 When he tried to talk to Bella in bed at night , there were passing moments of ease and sweetness that made it seem almost possible to recover what had been lost .
9 After a little tense silence that made it seem as though the very air were holding it breath , he said very evenly , and with dangerous softness .
10 ‘ Obviously it 's hard work , ’ she adds , ‘ but it really struck a chord with me and that made it seem easy .
11 And when my mother was baking in a huge ovenware basin , then she 'd have the the erm the flour and the the erm what do you call it that made it rise ?
12 I suppose that made it sound more businesslike .
13 Ward said it very quietly this time , but with an emphasis that made it sound like a threat .
14 In a voice that made it sound like an article of faith , Christine said : ‘ We both know that your father did n't kill mine so why he was late and why he did n't tell the police about it does n't matter . ’
15 The sky was huge , a pale , bright , cloudless blue , and the white surface of the road ahead rippled in the heat mirages that made it look like little waves .
16 Oh Setver that 's the thing that make it pretend to not be the
17 I do n't see the point of doing things that make it sound completely unlike a guitar .
18 There 's er a collar and a what they call a which is a protein tube and then it has various spikes at the end that make it stick on to the outside of the bacteria .
19 This picture frame moulding came complete with all the scratches , dents and marks that make it look old , although it was in fact new .
20 He despises the human race and the combinations that make it tick ; the human race in its present state , he 'd qualify — he 'd like to send us all back to nursery school — so he has to behave as unlike his fellow beings as he can . ’
21 The common European toad , when it meets a snake , inflates its body and stands on tip-toe , a procedure that makes it appear to have grown suddenly and that seems to baffle most of the snakes that encounter it .
22 Instead of a glance , which is always acceptable , they keep staring at the animal in a way that makes it feel uncomfortable .
23 It is not the weight of the cup that makes it reflect the light as it does , but rather its glaze .
24 They tell it in a way that makes it make sense .
25 The insects , however , cover it with a protein called sclerotin that makes it become very hard .
26 The caterpillar of a Costa Rican moth , in one of the most extraordinary of all mimicries , has a pattern at its rear end that makes it look like a tiny viper .
27 Mr Corman has shot the whole thing in colour and in a cinema-verité style that makes it resemble a documentary . ’
28 So it 's all part of the same sentence that makes it come into the head at that point .
29 They have a whole scene that makes it seem possible to write songs all the time and really , really enjoy it . ’
30 in London in , in a sort of clever way that makes it sound as though there 's some terrific good reasoning for it
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