Example sentences of "that we [vb base] only " in BNC.

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1 That we 've only this one life .
2 ‘ It may interest you to learn , oh Wise and Wonderful One , ’ said Cassie tartly , ‘ that we 've only just got rid of a woman Prime Minister .
3 If we incorporate that hypothesis we get a supply response model of that form right , notice that we 've only got observable variables , S T , P T minus one , S T minus one , we 've only got observable variables in there alright .
4 or whether there is really a situation there , which probably has been going on since time in memorial , that we 've only just started to hear about it .
5 And certainly if you look at the case for very many women not in the job tops we 're talking about low paid work erm low rates of unionisation , very , very low rates of day care erm it 's those sorts of things that I 'm talking about , and for me those are very , very much more important than the fact that we 've only got one woman Chief Officer at the top in the County Council .
6 We are concerned in fact that er the western nations did n't rather deplore earlier er Hussein 's actions against his own people using chemical weapons , and we think it 's a shame for us that we 've only come in at this point , and we must come in carefully I think .
7 Indeed , the most potent argument against it may be that we know only too well how protectionism contributed to the great depression of the 1930s .
8 There is an oddity in the argument , which starts by insisting that we speak only of probability relative to evidence , and ends by talking of a proposition having a probability of 1 in its own right .
9 I do not accept either the Right-wing proposition that we need only to make the country better off as a whole without making any special effort in the inner cities . ’
10 One of the most popular slogans suggests that we need only look back to ‘ Before the War ’ in order to reach the solid ground of tradition and stability .
11 For it follows from this distinction that we see only the appearances of things , images of them in our minds , not the things themselves , ‘ so that , for aught we know , all we see , hear , and feel , may be only phantom and vain chimera , and not at all agree with the real things ’ .
12 Ultimately , however , it is easy for readers to charge that the mask was not penetrated , and therefore that we have only scratched at the surface .
13 Notice that we have only mentioned reward , not punishment .
14 But does not this suggest that we have only to learn the same lesson over again ?
15 Bearing in mind then that we have only half the story , we do have some indication of the social origins of about one-fifth of the sample , enough to be regarded as reasonably representative ,
16 Many insects can detect ultraviolet light , while the vision of the common goldfish ranges from ultraviolet to far-red : achievements that we have only been able to equal in recent years with the development of sophisticated electronic equipment .
17 But it also suggests that we have only one self-image : a portrait of the woman as a young person .
18 The article states that we have only to look ’ at the black-and-white magazine shots of Val Kilmer , Jim Morrison in The Doors , with a cigarette .
19 ‘ The bottom line , though , is that we have only recorded our first win and now we must face the tough and noisy atmosphere of Lisbon 's Stadium of Light when we play Portugal in our next match . ’
20 ‘ We are perhaps a little unusual in this region in that we produce only red wine , ’ the Baronne went on .
21 I could n't really cope with this separation , despite that fact that we live only about a minute from the SCBU .
22 From a purely technical point of view , this may not have been the standard performance , but in a place almost completely lacking in a tradition of classical dance , it is a delight to watch native talent channelled so joyously and with such a spirit of challenge to the myth that we exist only from the neck upwards .
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