Example sentences of "that we [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 " I do n't want you to think that we eat like this every night , " said the sultan with a smile ; indeed , we had seen him earlier in the day wearing well-cut Western clothes .
2 The reader should check that P1/T2 remains optimal for and that we pivot in the x 1 -column when 0 = ⅙ and the s 1 -column when θ = - .
3 The sort of things that we cover in the er er code of practice for charging to clients which are outside this .
4 Th th there is one point on the same vein as that Bob , th the second sheet on the D One , where there 's a suggestion that we tick off additional bits that we 're gon na put into our contract , we are going to arrange possessions , we we 're gon na do this that and the other .
5 Owing to the terrible destruction of scores , the only dramatic work of Monteverdi 's that we know between those of 1607–8 and the last two Venetian operas is a peculiar experiment ‘ in genere rappresentativo ’ , Il combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda , performed in the Palazzo Mocenigo in Venice in 1624 .
6 So from that biblical scores have concluded , the book that we know as Genesis was originally two accounts that were pushed together but not very expert actually , because you can still see the join , an and Freud 's view about the Moses there are numerous discrepancies and numerous joins and if you take it all apart and say what is it , what does it make up , his conclusion is that erm Moses was , was not Egyptian , sorry Moses was not er erm no not , not a Hebrew but Egyptian .
7 However , there is one other thing that we know about Elsie for sure : she did have a club foot .
8 course that we know about it .
9 They must have realised that we know about Goosie Lucy .
10 This is one of the simplest organisms that we know about .
11 And the ones that we know about at the moment are the ones revealed from the census .
12 Erm every new square inch of hard surface on the ground or roofing er means that less rain when it falls will er move into the ground or will run off more quickly or rapidly fill the water courses and er sooner reach the points of constriction that we know about and cause flooding problems .
13 How many planets has our sun got that we know about because there might be some we do n't know .
14 Nine that we know about .
15 Oh it was genuinely gone quite genuine , he said you now , he had a , that we know about but it had genuine
16 That 's right , and I think that erm , yes , there 's a notion that I find useful in talking to students that we all have a comfort zone , there are all things that we know about , that we know how to do and if anything comes up — I mean in business it might be accountancy , we do n't all know how to handle figures , and so that 's an area that we 've hived off in that area and we all know that when we do that we are , as it were , giving up a bit ; we 're saying ‘ well , I ca n't manage I just do n't have I ca n't do that , it 's not for me ’ .
17 All that we know for certain about his coronation oath is that he promised to preserve the laws of the realm unimpaired and to do nothing touching the dignity of the crown without first obtaining the consent of his prelates and chief magnates .
18 Nevertheless , it is to these two writers that we owe almost all that we know of El Cid 's life from those who were his contemporaries .
19 ‘ That all that we know of ourselves is an unimportant encrustation over the true seed of the eternal idea which lives inside us , using us as a vehicle merely , which develops in spite of us .
20 Devereux is open on this question , though he admits that we know of only some of the ‘ invisible and subtler forces that course through creation ’ and even those we are beginning to discover can occur in contexts with which we are unfamiliar .
21 The story of Godric , and all that we know of medieval commerce and transport , suggests that a merchant needed to enjoy adventure and risk for its own sake .
22 The argument from error can be used to show that we know of cases where others have successfully concealed their states of mind , or pretended to be in a state of mind other than their own ( these possibilities are not really distinct ) .
23 Leaving aside the Romans , whose tradition of town-planning had been completely forgotten after their departure , the earliest piece of town-planning that we know of in England is that carried out by Abbot Baldwin at Bury St Edmunds , between 1066 and 1086 .
24 like most of the the child care was done by the girls , but there was actually a few of the boys that decided they wanted to work in the nurseries and o eh the five that done , there 's actually two that we know of a are actually doing child care as a career .
25 We were married at home , and one of the reasons why is because we bought a very old house about three years ago and on the top floor it has a , a large room which used to be the ballroom , and we did a little research and we found that the last wedding that we know of in the house took place in seventeen fifty eight , when apparently it was very common in Scotland to get married at home , it was more uncommon to go to church .
26 Burun Khan may have told you that we know of such machines , but do not concern ourselves with them .
27 ‘ Nothing that we know of , ’ the doctor answered .
28 When patients register with the clinic a copy of their record is flagged by the registrar to ensure that we know of deaths and their certified cause .
29 ‘ None that we know of .
30 Botanically , it is a one-off with no obvious affinities and no immediate allies ; all that we know of its ancestors ( from fossil evidence ) is that they were once common over a much wider area , as near as Germany for instance , during the mid-Tertiary period approximately 30 million years ago .
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