Example sentences of "that we [verb] take " in BNC.

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1 We think that these apartments are a bit of a find , and so are pleased to have them that we 've taken them up throughout the summer on an exclusive basis .
2 Perhaps the biggest insult of all is when they claim that we 've taken over girls ' work !
3 Yeah , I think , I have n't got details of that , but I think erm Ron has and also the fact that we 've taken remarks and .
4 The churn rate is now down to eleven percent , the result of positive action that we 've taken there and we expect to add a million homes during this year and the cable audience I am pleased to say is growing still very very slowly er but that should help as well .
5 So I hope that you will agree or confirm the action that we 've taken in expressing those sorts of views .
6 Beer seems such a simple drink that we tend to take it for granted .
7 Technology is so pervasive , so much an intrinsic part of modern life , that we tend to take it for granted .
8 Whether or not horses understand landing procedure ( they do n't smoke or have to cope with seat-belts ) , it occurred to me that we had taken a couple of bites at the cherry on our approach — I could only guess how near we came to dismantling the gateway to India , for there are no windows in those vehicles .
9 One of them gesticulated to us and , using harsh , staccato Russian ( which neither of us understood ) and rather violent stabs into the air , made it very clear that we had taken a dangerous route over the ice and that we were very stupid indeed .
10 The calm , thoughtful way she acknowledged them and talked them through with me made me feel that we had taken the first step towards friendship .
11 This implies that we need to take conflict into account here as well as changes in consensus .
12 Herzberg ( 1966 ) argued that we need to take into account not just the needs and motivations of the individual worker but also the context within which they are operating .
13 This book argues that we need to take a step towards a sociology of the global system .
14 The message is loud and clear ; according to any measurement that we care to take , the Conservative Government 's record on the coal industry is significantly better than that of Labour .
15 Er , we have some points that we want taken on board such as the relevance of CPMs in the primary care team each team and that sort of thing but I do n't think they are fundamental differences , they are , as I say , dialogues towards consensus .
16 However , I should add , it is with regret that we have to take such drastic intervention , a course which could so easily be avoided through co-ordination and commitment by other agencies close at hand .
17 The introduction of a second asset means that we have to take account of the capital market equilibrium condition : the return from holding stocks of the natural resource must equal the return to physical capital .
18 It is as a result of that charter that we have to take steps to change the inspectorate .
19 So that it seem to me that we have to take that into account in terms of how we are approaching our struggle .
20 At the very least this theory about post-natal depressions shows it 's not that simple , the mother has a self-interest as well as the offspring and our modern insight into parental investment theory shows us that we have to take every individual 's self-interest seriously we 're not committing th the , the crude errors of group selectionism and saying you know mothers exist for the benefit of society to have children , they should put up with it .
21 They are a factor in the the housing market in North Yorkshire and I think that we have to take those into account when we are looking at vacancy rates through to two thousand and six .
22 Erm , in the point that was raised from the London region , talking about resources in dealing with er regional health and safety officers and their time , part of the er document itself , is looking at consultation , so that the resource implications and the necessary action that we have to take in identifying priorities , deals with those things and those things are now opened up to discussion , er by accepting the report , and we 'll be looking at that over this next year .
23 I feel only that we have taken a wrong direction somewhere , and are blindly stumbling on because our leaders blindfold us .
24 Now that we have taken an overview of the Form method of patterning , I hope that many more knitters will not be as worried that the columns of figures published in magazines and so on , mean nothing to them , since they are n't supposed to in this format .
25 ‘ You will please to remember , ’ its secretary , Henry Oldenburg , told the governor of Connecticut in 1667 , ‘ that we have taken to task the whole universe , and that we were obliged to do so by the nature of our design . ’
26 The House should reject the amendment , but should be assured that we have taken on board the point made by the amendment .
27 That is because they understand that the decisions that we have taken are in the interests of British industry , British commerce and jobs for British workers .
28 Finally , inward investors find attractive the measures that we have taken to improve training and skills , almost every one of which has been opposed by Labour .
29 It reflects the fact that we have considerably improved the salary prospects and career prospects of teachers as a result of all the steps that we have taken in recent years .
30 I thank my hon. Friend for his earlier remarks , in which he recognised the great step forward that we have taken with the Food Safety Act , but I am concerned about his latter comments .
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