Example sentences of "that she [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Not that she felt up to arguing , she was forced to admit .
2 Her heart was beating so fast that she felt out of breath .
3 The idea of school was so soothing that she hung on to it tightly .
4 Fabia , not wanting him to think that she hung on his every word , turned away .
5 When Lou got in the car , the bulky jacket that she wore over her washed denim skirt got in the way of her seat belt and her movements as she struggled to fasten the buckle were jerky and nervous .
6 Constance was , at present , the most important person in her life , for it was to her that she read out items of interest in the newspaper , with her that she shared her doubts and prejudices and to her that she described her dreams .
7 It was on the rebound from Higginbotham that she took up with the first boy that she came near to liking .
8 He had chosen to ignore the fact that she took out her frustrations on Carla .
9 This was other people 's washing that she took in ?
10 It is a low repetitive moan that she keeps up for the rest of the afternoon .
11 The story , of course , was a happy ending , that she struggled on and she did it .
12 And the little old girl he says , you got ta bear in mind , he said she 's only nine he said so she ca n't do none of that she come up and she could get her leg up , she went like this !
13 Had three she went into erm Tracey placed that she come out honours and Lisa highly commended .
14 Paul would stop her now and again , alter a line , then demand that she go on reading ; and so the time passed until supper and bed , when he would cure his headaches in the customary way .
15 He let it go at that , smiling to himself as he suggested to Iris Sunderby that she go up to her room and put her things together .
16 It 's more than possible that she cleans up here … ’
17 Suddenly Isabel was no longer floating , she was falling instead , the sensation so swift and unexpected that she flung up her hands to save herself , and found them clinging to the source of the heat above her .
18 One night she dreamed that she got up and went to the lavatory , where she found a new , neatly typed notice fixed over the bowl .
19 A picture rose in her mind of Dawn enfolded in his arms when they were alone in his surgery , and it tormented her so much that she got up hurriedly and put the little dog in a cage to await Robert 's collection .
20 It was not for some time , and after some acquaintance , that she got round to thinking that one of the most charming features of Clelia 's room was its sense of prolonged nursery associations .
21 It always pleased Marie when Simon said that she got on well with his dog : it made her feel special .
22 Noreen was kept on after the try-out week , but she knew that was only on the strength of Fred , the Stage Manager 's sympathetic report , and for the fact that she got on well with everyone in the company , especially Bernie .
23 R R Ricky er Richie er longer than she 'd been with any you know , boy that she got on with
24 Once she tells us that she woke up and then that she prepared breakfast , we assume certain facts : that she got out of bed , for example .
25 He had such a nice voice that she looked up with a smile , expecting to see a nice , kind face to match .
26 She did n't hear the car coming up the lane behind her , barely even registered it as it passed ; it was only when a car door was violently slammed that she looked up , and froze .
27 She said that she woke up one day and did not feel lost or depressed , did not wonder what she was going to do with herself or reach for the phone to try and summon up some company .
28 It would be nice to think that she woke up one day and thought , ‘ I 've got to do Michael 's show . ’
29 Once she tells us that she woke up and then that she prepared breakfast , we assume certain facts : that she got out of bed , for example .
30 At last she fell asleep , but it seemed to her that she woke up some time in the night .
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