Example sentences of "that they [verb] and " in BNC.

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1 So what we have , if I can paint it like this , is a development programme which does n't just rely on Oxfordshire Social Services putting cash into it , because there are , if we manage this process properly , other people who we can encourage to bring money into Oxfordshire , but the key thing that 'll only do it is if they 're confident that they 're dealing with a competent organization and somebody that they trust and they have some form of credibility .
2 One set of issues has to do with the way in which science and technology so drastically alter previous patterns of life that they erode and undermine the social , ethical and spiritual values which had been encapsulated and preserved in them .
3 So why has WHO headquarters , which is funded by member states to give advice on setting health policy , used its limited resources to organise a meeting for setting policy on a controversial technology , and invited as participants , with one exception , people whose only qualification is that they develop and provide that same technology ?
4 Just for a second it seemed to Polly that they met and lingered on hers .
5 Now , the Yale and Union locks they 'd got a certain type of locks that they produced and it was all done with a system , you know what I mean and more or less come to assembly and er they did that .
6 Er and we 'll have a look at all the things that they carried and erm fought with later on .
7 They must be empowered to demand excellence in the courses that they attend and realise that their education is not a favour to them but a means of preparing them to be the sort of doctors that we want in the future .
8 In view of the understandable difficulty that this inelegant and complex piece of legislation presented to these people , one must stand in awe at what one Member , Sir Michael Havers , had the temerity to say at the Third Reading of the Bill : ‘ One of the great ambitions of successive Parliaments is to simplify the laws that they pass and make them more readily understood . ’
9 For companies that have kept at a specified size over the years , working to budgets that they know and understand , are forced to expand to deal with the increased flow .
10 In addition , independent research shows that tenants in those areas where transfers to housing associations have taken place have been extremely satisfied with the service that they get and the improved repairs .
11 Both Constitutions are strong ones in that they reflect and reinforce their respective political cultures .
12 All the Pain that Money Can Buy : the Life of Christina Onassis by William Wright ( Gollancz , £5.99 ) — The author 's explanation of why people devour books about the rich is appropriately cynical : ‘ We examine their bounteous lives on the modest condition that they suffer and come to a bad end . ’
13 It seemed to me that they assumed and air of could n't care less you know that that was their attitude after nationalization .
14 Why say that they ran and then say that they sprinted ?
15 also said that when that person , if she married somebody , say fifty years older than her , that they died and did n't leave her to pay .
16 At the end of their lives they are subject to hard copying , and the only thing which remains on-line is a record of the fact that they existed and the reference into the hard copy system for long term reference .
17 Most businesses rely on two complementary forces to ensure that they maintain and raise their standards .
18 Some clients might put forward the excuse that there is really nothing that they avoid and so they can not set themselves any homework tasks .
19 There has been , and continues to be , a sharp contrast between the municipal and voluntary hospitals in terms of the populations that they serve and how these clients are paid for .
20 Thirdly , many of the projects were ‘ demonstrations ’ , in that they developed and demonstrated teaching materials and methods .
21 Basil 's love of nature expressed itself so forcefully in his responses to people that they shared and accepted them whatever his mood .
22 Even if several mouse embryos are pushed together so that they fuse and this large mass transferred back into a mother a normal mouse will still develop .
23 The knowledge that they control and select teams , and valuable ‘ wild card ’ slots , whether explicit or implied , is hard for parents to ignore .
24 Public Choice theory argues that bureaucrats are judged by the size of the budget that they control and by how much they can increase it .
25 We adapt and cultivate the local talents and craft these skills , to meld the artisan and his world , so that they mix and flow with ours .
26 MND affects the nerve cells controlling muscles so that they weaken and gradually waste away .
27 Several were almost tharn — that is , in that state of staring , glazed paralysis that comes over terrified or exhausted rabbits , so that they sit and watch their enemies — weasels or humans — approach to take their lives .
28 Most people know that they hawk and feed on other flies .
29 A breeze sprang up , playfully teasing the chestnut curls of her hair so that they fluttered and tumbled against the banner .
30 There 's the big fire where everybody must put on something that they love and watch it burn .
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