Example sentences of "that he really do " in BNC.

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1 The observer needs some discipline which ensures that he really does focus on the detail and separates the action into a coherent sequence .
2 He also says things that he really does think , things that , again , are usually kept rather quiet .
3 Its only concern has been to ensure that he really does so act , by the general rule which excludes from evidence any confession which is not proved to have been voluntary .
4 I could never quite believe that he really did intend to rob me . ’
5 And was he really trying to tell her that he really did n't indulge in casual affairs ?
6 He left them around to prove to himself that he really did n't smoke .
7 ‘ Not to me , ’ Robyn murmured , hardly daring to hope that his lighter mood might have something to do with the fact that he really did like her work .
8 ‘ With the result that he really did keep away , ’ Lucy had pointed out .
9 The sincere ring in his voice filled Lucy with gratification , causing her to believe that he really did appreciate her efforts — on behalf of the business , of course .
10 He could never be Shiona 's , even if he wanted her , and there was nothing to indicate that he really did .
11 But , surely , for him to say that if she did n't want to be seduced , she 'd better keep her distance had to mean that he really did desire her — did n't it ?
12 He describes this period of work as one of , of terrible strain , it was also a period in which he was personally very unhappy , and I get the impression that he really did use the best of his mind on this problem , and that for the rest of his life he found it difficult to press his thinking home with the kind of ruthlessness that many of the problems that he then assumed required .
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