Example sentences of "that he and [art] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Wolfgang Berghofer , the 46-year-old mayor of Dresden who had been tipped to become the new party chief , said yesterday that he and a renewed party stood for a break with Stalinism and instead wanted socialism with a human face .
2 There was much to discuss , including Tom Poole 's proposal , in the end gratefully accepted , that he and a few friends should supply Coleridge with an annuity of £35 or £40 as a ‘ trifling mark of their esteem , gratitude and admiration ’ .
3 One of the minor tragedies of the war , thought Karelius , lay in the fact that his own enforced deceit meant that he and a totally decent man like Moreau , however cordial their relations , could never become true friends .
4 Finally , one other began to use heroin almost by default in that he and a friend bought heroin with the specific aim of selling it for a profit .
5 Scott found that he and a contemporary were the only non-public-school boys in the administrative class in the department .
6 ‘ I heard a tale that he and a couple of friends used to meet and act out stories . ’
7 One Scottish geologist volunteered the information that he and a friend had agreed always to cite each other 's work in their papers .
8 The debate over 1990 funding for the NEA , and Jesse Helms 's attempts to cut off federal funding for art that he and the fundamentalist lobby find obscene , continues .
9 He had a feeling that the Archbishop of Canterbury was now too powerful in the Church ; that he and the other bishops were more like sheep as they sat saying yes to what Canterbury suggested .
10 It was a visit filled with promise and excitement , and one that he and the Princess obviously enjoyed .
11 In fact , Mr Manning has repeatedly stated that he and the party would much prefer that Quebec remain as part of Canada , but not at any price .
12 While in Germany ‘ there is much common ground between the Bundesbank and the government on economic objectives ’ , it is precisely because Pöhl knew that this national consensus did not exist in the Community at large that he and the German government insisted on means of enforcing German policies on the economies of the member states .
13 Nor is there any suggestion that a disagreement with his venerable friend might have been responsible ; Herr Sanders tells us that he and the young gentleman were on terms of the greatest amity , their relations being always of the most cordial .
14 The testator also appoints a curator for the child , and directs that he and the two nurses should enjoy the income from certain land .
15 Wilkins said that he and the police constable had hold of one another and the officer had fallen to the ground .
16 It will be the first time that he and the Princess of Wales have attended together as the principal guests .
17 Mr Lawrence chaired the steering group set up to look at life profit reporting and there is no doubt that he and the Prudential are the driving force behind the new proposals .
18 Could it be that he and the king his brother hear Mass at St. Peter ad Vincula , the chapel outside the White Tower ? ’
19 Mr Baker was determined to control the presentation of the Report so that he and the Prime Minister would be rewarded with good publicity .
20 Patronizing Pat Farrel , knowing , surely , that he and the Ryans were close relatives on both sides .
21 Bryan even came to my home and scoffed at me for suggesting that he and the Duchess were lovers .
22 He continued to hope that he and the king could work together and , strangely enough , he seems to have had a great deal of personal sympathy with the king .
23 Meanwhile , it was agreed that he and the king should send another joint mission to Rome to attempt to reach a final conclusion .
24 Anselm immediately dropped the threat of excommunication when the king returned his lands and revenues , and he made no conditions about the issue of homage or investiture beyond agreeing that he and the king should make a joint approach to the pope to hasten a settlement .
25 The head explained that he and the class teacher felt that Balbinder was making little progress and they were worried about his lack of concentration and poor language .
26 Bishop John thinks that he and the archdeacons are adequately paid ( their stipends are £20,350 and £16,930 respectively ) , ‘ but I would n't dare speak for the parish clergy . ’
27 He introduced him to Whitlock as Masala , his personal bodyguard , then told Masala that he and the other three Zimbalan bodyguards were to liaise directly with Whitlock .
28 But when I concentrated on the postage-stamp-sized photographs bearing his name that had started to appear , I could no longer be certain that he and The Fat Controller were one and the same .
29 Yet the Lord Chief Justice , giving oral evidence , said that he and the Lord Chancellor were at one in their belief that religious affinity should not take precedence over ability in the appointment of judges and , said The Times , he gave the impression that his positive feelings towards the judge were shared by the Lord Chancellor So oral evidence was admitted on the kind of matter for which privilege from disclosure of documents was claimed by the Crown .
30 He was there to explain to the court that he and the other officers had tried to control the Nazi leaders ' demands for gross reprisals for the deaths of the Germans in the Via Rassella .
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