Example sentences of "that he [pn reflx] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He suggests not only that it begins with Marx but that he himself forms part of this mutation , which means that , according to his argument , in order to dismiss him you would have to dismiss Marx also .
2 That he himself became deified lends credence to the concept of the Created God as herein defined , and to the assertion that mankind needs a ‘ god ’ .
3 But it is interesting that among the ‘ great issues of today and tomorrow ’ that he himself wrote as an agenda for Labour , prominence is given to one on equality : ‘ whether , as we grow richer , this new wealth is used exclusively for individual selfishness or for the growth of necessary community services , and whether , in consequence , we follow or escape the American precedent of great private affluence surrounding rotting public services ’ .
4 He had confided to her that he himself suffered with back trouble .
5 He is a keen numismatist and this year we were privileged in that he himself prepared the coins for sale .
6 We know that he himself referred to the daunting shadow of Beethoven 's greatness — and we can assume that public expectation was just as daunting , given that he was regarded as Beethoven 's heir .
7 It is highly unlikely that he himself travelled to Muscovy and Guinea , as a later epitaph alleged ( though he had an elephant 's head displayed as a curiosity in his house ) , but he was certainly one of the richest and most prominent of overseas merchants in early Tudor London .
8 Orton said that he himself enjoyed his own company .
9 Gandhi admits that satyāgrahis are capable of making erroneous decisions and that he himself made a Himalayan miscalculation in instituting mass satyāgraha in Ahmedabad without teaching the people involved in the movement the strict conditions and necessary limitations of satyāgraha .
10 Sir Kenelm Digby , whose book of recipes collected from his contemporaries and friends has provided posterity with a graphic record of Stuart cookery , notes that he himself made a fine syllabub with syrup left over from the home-drying of plums ; being " very quick of the fruit and very weak of sugar " this syrup " makes the Syllabub exceeding well tasted " says Sir Kenelm .
11 Despite the fact that Dement performed experiments after this one in which his subjects showed none of the psychiatric symptoms with REM sleep deprivation , and that he himself made clear how his early observations were probably misleading about the effects of REM sleep deprivation , the idea that dreaming preserved sanity had been strongly reinforced .
12 This does not mean that he himself thought a trust the ideal way to realize his intentions .
13 Grandiloquence was the besetting linguistic vice of Dickens 's era , and it is clear from many burlesque treatments of it in his novels ( notably in the language of Mr Micawber ) , that he himself regarded it as a vice .
14 The widow of a Melbourne barman who died of lung cancer has been awarded A$20,000 from the man 's employers because he suffered from the adverse effects of passive smoking , despite the fact that he himself smoked 10 cigarettes a day .
15 Now he is just flattered by the label — ‘ the British Marvin Hagler ’ — which Bob Arum , the American promoter investing that $2 million , has tagged on him ; previously he would have been angry that he himself had not invented it .
16 Now he is just flattered by the label — ‘ the British Marvin Hagler ’ — which Bob Arum , the American promoter investing that $2 million , has tagged on him ; previously he would have been angry that he himself had not invented it .
17 No wonder poor Dad was embarrassed , even though I must have been repeating something that he himself had said .
18 It can now be seen as a deliberate political reaction to the earlier building , and it is even recorded that on its completion in 537 Justinian promised God that he himself had ‘ vanquished Solomon . ’
19 And at the back of his mind , knowing that Jean-Paul had never married and seemed unlikely to , knowing that he himself had met no woman he wished to make his wife , he thought : Grégoire could be my heir .
20 ‘ How near is madness to genius ’ , said Diderot ; while Dr Johnson , confessing that he himself had often been nearly insane , commented that ‘ all power of fancy over reason is a degree of madness ’ .
21 The initial Lutheran challenge to papal authority in 1517 had ushered in an age in which Europe would be divided into hostile confessional camps , but , despite the fact that he himself had dispensed with papal authority within his own realm , Henry VIII had been extremely reluctant to accept this reality .
22 Finally , he was convinced , he knew with every fibre of his being , that he himself had mastered this science of society .
23 What remains indeterminate is whether Jesus was truly convinced that he himself had literally to die , or whether it was sufficient that he appear to die .
24 The Collector had shown such enthusiasm for its hollow wonders that he himself had been tempted and misled ; he had allowed his own small stirrings of doubt , which he recognized now to have been stirrings of conscience , to be smothered .
25 He grew very portly as an old man and although by this time he had become something of a legend to the other members of his club ( " The Hero of Krishnapur " ) , one might have thought that he himself had entirely forgotten about the siege .
26 But after all the trouble that he himself had taken to be friendly , he felt so cross at the way in which Fiver had antagonized their new friends that as he passed Bigwig , he said , " Come and help me to get some sense into him .
27 He brushed up my biochemistry , informing me that the long chain fences of fat molecules are antipodean in scale set beside the dry stone walls of mere proteins , and that he himself had it as an ambition to contrive that his entire body should be sheathed in one enormous fat molecule .
28 ‘ It 's terrible that all these quacks can come along without proper qualifications , ’ Lipsky complained , forgetting that he himself had set up as a dentist without qualifications , there being as yet no legal requirement for special training as there was for doctors .
29 Gradually he began to believe that he himself had turned into a parrot .
30 And then he told him clever , amusing stories about the women that he himself had loved .
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