Example sentences of "that it now [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Aid has created such artificial divisions within what should be normal national programmes of health care or agriculture that it now obstructs the development of such programmes on a country-wide basis .
2 In a press conference in Rabat on Aug. 14 Hakim said that the attitude of the Algerian government , and specifically of Defence Minister Khalid Nezzar , had changed , and that it now recommended that a " rapid settlement " with Morocco be found .
3 Officially , the reason given was that it now seemed more sensible to store the highly active waste above ground for at least fifty years before disposing of it , probably in the form of glass blocks , and meanwhile allowing more of its intense heat to dissipate .
4 In a letter to the board 's 2,300 dairy farmers , the chairman , Andrew Howie , wrote that it now looked highly unlikely that the Government would accept the proposal for a voluntary co-op which retained its commercial company , Scottish Pride .
5 One of the critics of the Touche Ross report , Professor Arthur Midwinter , of the department of politics at Strathclyde University , said last night that it now looked as if the scope for savings would be narrowed to the point where it had to be asked whether it was worthwhile proceeding with the reforms .
6 The biggest advantage of this new probe is that it now allows samples to be taken continuously from a conscious , living organism , and these samples can be analysed without further preparation .
7 Whatever it 's called , though , one of the most gloomy facts about it is that it now spends more on weapons than on health and education put together
8 The garden had been built by his great-great-grandfather , but , like his father and his father 's father , he had made his own small changes to the original scheme , extending the garden to the north , so that it now filled the whole of the ancient island of Manhattan .
9 Take particular care that you insert a modification record with a issue number larger than 00.00Z ( the alpha character on the end of the issue number , the Development Code is mandatory ) , and that you then update the package 's pointer to itself so that it now selects itself at this new issue number .
10 For Leavis , Cambridge English offers a way forward for the discipline as a whole by virtue of its emancipation from " linguistic grinds " and Anglo-Saxon , but only on condition that it now becomes infused by a " general discipline " addressed to the growth of " intelligence and sensibility " .
11 It is a tribute to how far we have come already in theoretical physics that it now takes enormous machines and a great deal of money to perform an experiment whose results we can not predict .
12 Does my hon. Friend agree that it is worth pointing out to young children that in 1950 it took a man on average industrial wages a week to earn enough to buy his Christmas turkey and that it now takes a person in a similar position just 90 minutes to do so ?
13 The only problem is that it now takes a baffling turn .
14 Paisley about faced and led the parade around the block so that it now came upon Fisherwick Place from the west .
15 In fact , it is so proud that it now boasts at a European level of the cheap U K labour costs and the lack of workers ' rights .
16 Mannesmann Mobilfunk GmbH says that it now expects its subscriber base to reach 200,000 next month , ahead of plan , but still expects the level to be between 300,000 and 350,000 by year-end ; it is still looking for profits in 1994-95 .
17 Since 1980 , the protection of the law against the closed shop had been progressively extended so that it now covered everyone in employment .
18 Caroline Bynum has suggested that the association of women with nature was , at least for thirteenth-century religious , not the negative image that it now seems , but a positive source of spiritual strength and energy .
19 The only real difference is that it now seems to have been taken over by the 22 clubs who , having escaped Football League control , no longer find their pursuit of commercial success frustrated by the decisive voting power of their poor relations .
20 The first is that it now seems the £200 must all be for personal injury or death and not just include such damages .
21 However , he had returned all but three of the tourists ' passports to the safe-keeping of the Manager at The Randolph — the latter just a fraction irked that it now appeared to be his own responsibility to return these passports to whatever location the departed tourists happened to find themselves in .
22 On Nov. 7 the newly elected Moderator of the Dutch Reformed Church , Pieter Potgieter , confessed his church 's guilt at the role it had played in establishing apartheid and said that it now considered that policy to be wrong .
23 THE NATIONAL MARRIAGE GUIDANCE COUNCIL ( now called RELATE ) recognised a long time ago that the fabric of society has changed and one of the reasons for the organisation 's change of name is that it now deals with all personal crisis situations .
24 Formed in 1960 as a national liberation movement , SWAPO led the struggle against colonial rule , and in April 1990 Nujoma said that it now faced the challenge of transformation into a political party , geared to political campaigning and fighting elections .
25 Labour 's hand on inflation would be strengthened if its leader were able to announce that it now supported early British entry into the exchange rate mechanism of the European monetary system .
26 The existing common law on breach of the peace has been continuously expanded so that it now adds greatly to the non-statutory powers of the police to restrict peaceful assembly ( see Chapter 4 ) .
27 They had ceased to be shocked by nudity , and accepted that it now happened mostly on remote beaches where it need n't offend any villagers .
28 The Polish government 's statistical office believes that the output of private industry ( excluding farming ) grew by 50% over the past year , and that it now accounts for 18% of national income , up from 11% in 1989 .
29 The banking and finance sector has grown more than 20 times in real terms over the past 30 years so that it now accounts for almost 20% of GDP , compared with 5% in 1960 .
30 It is tempting to dismiss Symphony as yesterday 's software on the grounds that it now looks very unexciting even as a DOS product .
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