Example sentences of "that it may have " in BNC.

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1 IN A LONG apologia for having had the temerity to undertake a psycho-biography of Mrs Thatcher , Leo Abse denies that his book is a personal attack on her , but agrees that it may have some admonitory function in warning people not to acquiesce too readily in the disposition of someone who would appear , on his argument , to be gravely unbalanced .
2 Theories have been put forward that it had anything from 6 to 24 sides , and even that it may have been circular .
3 She finds it hard to explain why , but ponders that it may have something to do with the religious faith she grew up with .
4 And that it may have practical applications .
5 However , subsequent archaeologists proved him mistaken , seeing in Machu Picchu an important agricultural centre serving Cuzco ; others speculated that it may have been a religious centre , where handmaidens for the sun god lived .
6 This representation of Mithra appears to have been derived from Egyptian art , and it has been suggested that it may have been influenced by the bandages of mummified corpses .
7 There may arise circumstances in which a doctor may use a form of treatment for his patient 's benefit aware of the fact that it may have the secondary effect of accelerating ( or run the risk of accelerating ) the patient 's death .
8 It will help the body to quickly recover from any stretching , bruising or damage that it may have sustained .
9 It follows from the First Premise introduced at the beginning of this chapter , that it must be an article of belief in the Created God that this first pre-life period in the story of the universe made no contribution to the creation of the God which was to be born , as was mankind , out of the life to come , except that it may have been the source of the basic origin of life .
10 The origin of that primitive ‘ desire ’ is in all probability the same as the unknown origin of life , which in this book is relegated to that first pre-life period which made no contribution to the Created God except that it may have been the source of the basic origin of life .
11 The controversy over Dow Corning 's role in introducing silicone breast implants increased in January when some US newspapers , including the Wall Street Journal , published summaries of internal documents and claimed that they suggest that it may have rushed the product through without adequate testing .
12 He was beginning to feel that it may have been a mistake , it may have been wiser to have remained elsewhere .
13 If the Secretary exercises such right the Lead Organization will notify the Party affected so that it may have the opportunity of making representations to the Secretary of State .
14 The vessel is described as being about six inches tall and it has been suggested that it may have been used as a chalice , and it might have originated in Spain or Syria and been brought home to England from one of the Crusades .
15 I mention Husserl because I think that it may have been via Husserl that Wittgenstein acquired his own interest in intentionality .
16 Digital Equipment Corp realises that it may have been a little hasty in taking its toys away in a huff , and has returned to the Technology Plc fold by re-appointing the Warrington-based company as a value-added reseller for predominantly desktop and server products : DEC withdrew its business , when Technology was acquired by ICL Plc in July 1992 ( CI No 1,966 ) ; Technology has now joined DEC 's Corporate Reseller Programme , and , according to DEC UK 's director of complementary solutions organisation sales , Ian Smith , the company is expected to ‘ play a key role in our increasingly value-added reseller-led product selling strategy ’ .
17 The latest issue of the Microprocessor Report takes a deserved pot shot at Unix as still being insufficiently standardised that it may have missed its opportunity to make any credible dent on the desktop — Solaris and Destiny notwithstanding .
18 Gloucester seems already to have had control of the forest , and granted a fee from two closes there in 1473 , which suggests that it may have been assigned to him as warden of the west march , although this is nowhere explicitly stated .
19 The data so produced may be of use to parsing systems , whenever it becomes necessary to know whether a noun must have a certain feature , not merely that it may have it .
20 At first this was interpreted as a separate medusa-like form , but it appears in a number of specimens in just such a position and some now think that it may have been a holdfast .
21 The fact that it may have been provided by the member , not the society , and produced by an independent surveyor , not an employee of the society , merely shows , as conceded , that it is not in those cases action taken by the society .
22 Alexander said that it may have been a form of epilepsy , exacerbated by the atmospheric-electric disturbances of the mistral and the heat .
23 The biographer speculated that it may have been failure in his alchemical experiments that led to this breakdown .
24 An attractor that has a positive maximal Lyapunov exponent , and so has a high sensitivity to initial conditions , often has a very complicated structure , in that it may have a noninteger , fractal dimension , and have some of the properties of a Cantor set .
25 I agree with you , the pointed base does suggest that it may have been used by a travelling craftsman .
26 On average , only 15 mites were found per thousand ants , but the researchers say that the mite 's habit of moving from one host worker to another , possibly because it quickly exhausts each host , means that it may have a greater impact on the colony than its apparent rarity first suggests .
27 ( It occurs to us that it may have been Durfey who sang Aeneas in the school production .
28 A member of the family has suggested that it may have been purchased from a London dealer about 1920 .
29 The principate of Severus probably saw the greatest expansion , and it is perhaps no coincidence that it may have been he who introduced the annona militaris , a tax paid in grain or other materials to meet the needs of the army .
30 That it may have been difficult for members to attend area sessions , should not rule out the possibility of encouraging collaboration among groups of local boards .
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