Example sentences of "that it [was/were] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Stalnaker , 1975 ) Or , to interpret the idea in a way less ontologically extravagant , a way which does not seem to commit us to a plurality of somehow existing worlds , what the conditional means is this : if our actual world were different in that it were raining , and differences overall were in a sense the smallest possible , the balcony would be wet .
2 That it were coming down and then
3 In a statement on Nov. 10 , however , the Iskandarov government said that it was resigning to save the country from destruction .
4 So even if we agree that abolition was his intention and that that intention would have failed , if we consider also that it was mistaken anyway , we need pursue the point no further , except to add this : granted that the evil of insufficiently regulated competition is that it leads ultimately to the vicious exploitation of employees , the point can hardly be made of industrial co-operatives .
5 The details of the legend 's growth are obscure , but it is now known that it was developing steadily in northern Spain and southern France in the centuries between the eighth and the eleventh .
6 In the same breath as admitting that Lightning , the high-end , super-pipelined Sparc chip that it was developing in conjunction with LSI Logic Corp and Hyundai Electronics , was n't going to strike after all , Metaflow Technology also began to talk about a next-generation effort in design that would follow ( UX No 273 ) .
7 In January 1990 the State Committee for Statistics announced that it was developing a more realistic type of retail price index , based on what consumers actually paid rather than on list prices .
8 When in August 1986 GM announced that it was merging its North American heavy truck operations with Volvo , under Volvo 's control , the future of Bedford looked bleak .
9 Standing on the beautifully tended grass of Jesus Green and watching a throng of tourists , language students and local people enjoying the tranquillity of the lock , it is hard to believe that it was built for commerce rather than leisure .
10 The major axis of Stonehenge is aligned with the exact positions of the midwinter and midsummer solstice , leading to suggestions that it was built for ceremonies to mark the annual calendar and seasons .
11 It is believed that it was built as a chantry chapel in memory of Robert de Tattershall who died in 1121 .
12 We know enough of the historical background to be sure that it was built little before 525 B.C.
13 The purpose of the south mound , which excavation has shown not to be burial , is unclear , but dendrochronology , a method which dates timber according to the pattern of its tree-rings , indicates that it was built between c.960 and c.970 .
14 There 's only one , and it says that it was built in ninety one , and it was n't , it was built in ninety three .
15 But the Chinese embassy in Oslo , where the prize is awarded , reacted with accusations that it was meddling in China 's internal affairs , the stock response to any foreign commentary deemed hostile to China 's rule of Tibet .
16 If the human mind had been created in such a way that it was matched to the intelligibility of nature , then the possibility of secure scientific knowledge could be affirmed .
17 Beyond that it was replaced by walrus tusk and even whale-bone .
18 It had the advantage of not only offering a system of training ( that it was intended by Rudolf Laban for the retraining of ballet dancers did not deter physical educationalists from transferring it to colleges and schools ) , but also of offering a rationale .
19 The CEGB denied that it was intended as a bribe .
20 He asked if Hall had forgotten that it was intended eventually to extend the new buildings as far as Great George Street where they would be seen with the Abbey and the Palace of Westminster .
21 In Bangladesh , Oral Rehydration Therapy was in danger of falling into the trap of being inappropriate for the people that it was intended to help .
22 NAM 's Public Relations Officer , Howard Heeley , said that while the Museum were sorry to see the Mk 4 go , it was more than pleasing to know that it was intended to fly it again .
23 The deliberations of the RDC revealed that it was intended to pave the way for the establishment of a provisional government .
24 There were fears that it was intended to remove him and substitute someone more acquiescent .
25 Meanwhile the return of a Labour Government in 1974 had once again brought into question the status of Direct Grant schools , and it was announced in Parliament on 11th March that it was intended to phase out the system over a period of seven years , commencing in September 1976 .
26 A report of the work was typed by the school secretary but its informal style and the sometimes cryptic references to individual children make it clear that it was intended for internal circulation only .
27 An expensive film may well be a flop ( Blade Runner cost $27 million yet took under $15 million in North American ( NA ) rentals , which are traditionally supposed to cover negative — that is production — costs for break-even ) ; the fact that it was intended to be profitable puts it in the domain of popular cinema .
28 In our view , although the Code extends beyond the treatment of those in detention , what is clear is that it was intended to protect suspects who are vulnerable to abuse or pressure from police officers or who may believe themselves to be so .
29 As that subsection gives the court a discretion to stay or suspend execution of the order , it can not be the position that it was intended that the landlord could take the matter into his own hands .
30 He uttered a short sharp bark , which made Rosie jump ; she assumed it was a cough , then realised that it was intended as an expression of amusement .
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