Example sentences of "that be give to " in BNC.

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1 Many birds and mammals may have alarm calls that are given to objects that other members of their species have indicated are frightening .
2 There 's loads of stuff in there that been given to you .
3 Now these represent two lectures on group processes that 're given to the first year social psychology students at Aston .
4 She became , for a short while , my personal manager — we did a radio promotion tour around England on the ‘ Andy Warhol ’ single — but I often had the feeling that they were things that were given to Angie to keep her out of David 's way , to occupy her so that he could sort himself out .
5 ‘ There are probably a great many parks and recreation grounds that were given to local authorities by local benefactors or acquired by public subscription where the wording in the deeds implies that there is a charitable trust .
6 Here are two exercises that were given to me by ANDY WATSON and TREFOR OWEN , part-time tutors at Leeds College of Music .
7 A comprehensive report of the actual meteorological conditions must be drawn up and copies of the weather forecast that were given to the crew will be included .
8 These were introduced into Persia and Anatolia in the late 19th century , but proved to be totally unsuitable for rug yarns , producing rather crude colours that were given to rapid fading .
9 In this study junctions are divided broadly into two categories depending on the accident estimates that were given to them .
10 Once you got into the C C Q erm for me it sounded like a string of questions erm I could n't hear any at all or any open questions into any of the answers that were given to you on question .
11 Oh , I think the story goes on from there , because I do n't think though and this is a personal opinion and I I 'd love the Committee to I do n't know tha that er I M R O ever did get accounts out of Liechtenstein because a year later B I M the m the ownership of it was transferred from Liechtenstein back to England but guess who the the , the owner was transfer to a charitable trust , so we 've got erm a company that is handling the investment management of seven hundred million pounds worth of pension funds which is owned by a charity and the and the accounts that were given to I M R O and these accounts were given to I M R O a year later , were charity commission er type accounts , which evidently showed something like five hundred thousand pounds in that charitable fund and er and no transactions you know , so and that company that was running that was the beneficial owner of our investment company where all the errors took place .
12 Thomas discussed the relationship between love and poetry much later in Feminine Influence on the Poet : ‘ The love-poem is not for the beloved , for it is not worthy , as it is the least thing that is given to her , and none knows this better than she unless it be the lover … .
13 That is the pathway we have gone down , and in consequence we have reduced the amount of food that is given to our cows that could be eaten by man from 50 per cent to 14 per cent by getting the input from grass and porridge oats : food that would otherwise be wasted in a system that is not using these animals to pick it up on the way .
14 These will have much in common with the kind of training that is given to therapists working in other settings , but should also include instruction relevant to the problems presented by attempted suicide patients .
15 Being sick can bring with it a degree of sympathy and attention that is greatly valued by more isolated individuals , and they may believe that if their health improves they will lose out on the time and attention that is given to them on the basis of their illness .
16 The cornetto , made of wood , with a cup-shaped mouthpiece and finger-holes , is not the most docile of instrumental pets ; to play it fluently , in tune and with good ( ‘ sensuous ’ , as Benvenuto Cellini described it ) tone , is a skill that is given to few — it does not seem all that long ago when even competent cornettists were almost as rare as hen 's teeth .
17 Power , then , in pluralist analyses , is not a simple property that is given to one group and denied to another on the basis of economic or social position .
18 Perhaps predictably , many of these problems are concerned with the label that is given to a subject in an alphabetical index .
19 It is not , er this evidence does not go to a matter of law er er and the duty but it matter of practice and my Lord what this case is dealing with is about what if , what is or should be the practice of a solicitors engaged in commercial conveyancing as to the advice that is given to clients and er my Lord the er commercial conveyancing is obviously a matter which particularly concerns .
20 The Editor is grateful for the help that was given to him by catering personnel at MOD Stanmore who supplied the photographs and RAF Uxbridge .
21 I well remember a little cardigan from a High Street store that was given to me for my ( then ) six-month-old baby .
22 Editor , — Snake oil salesmen might recognise the treatment that was given to Simon Crawford 's patient , but not homoeopaths , lay or medical .
23 There 's also a big , gold jewellery box that was given to me by my godmother .
24 United Kingdom confectionery trade is worth two point six billion pounds , billion , and two years ago a figure that really astonished me when I saw it was that the total of all money that was given to development charities in the United Kingdom , including CAFOD , Christian Aid and Oxfam was equal to what Britain spent on one product made in York and that 's KitKat .
25 A child that was given to Mrs Gedge to bring up . "
26 ‘ Being a hijra was the only possibility for me ; there was no other career I could have pursued with the body that was given to me at birth .
27 All my hon. Friends will remember the reception that was given to Labour 's alternative to the poll tax .
28 I refer to a parliamentary answer that was given to me by the Under-Secretary of State for Employment , the hon. Member for Mid-Worcestershire ( Mr. Forth ) .
29 But if they died , there was a very young family , a young wife , needing financial independence that was given to them by you , with a life insurance policy .
30 First of all I 'm surprised at the outburst that was given to us by Mr I would regard as my er yahabeebee and sadiki if you wish er , but he mentioned in fact the er , what used to be barbaric ac , barbaric er practice in er Pakistan .
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