Example sentences of "that [be] now [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm thinking actually of here in the university itself , we 've got three different groups in those areas that are now collaborating , and I think we 've got a good chance of _ especially in the area of schools curricula — but also in the area , I think , of helping business people , and I 'm thinking now of senior management , who might be your and my age , Brian , for whom computers did n't exist when we went through university or college , erm who 've probably more or less given up any hope of understanding it and understanding the computer boffins who have taken over — almost taken over the company at times , one suspects .
2 Today the practice of this principle should lead the Church to apply the standards of fairness that are now accepted in society and this means being seen to value and use to the full the vocation and gifts of women .
3 The succeeding New Red deposits gradually buried a landscape broken by numerous faults , some of which remained active outlining subsiding basins that are now filled with thick Permo-Triassic sediments .
4 This will cover a variety of material from the aftermath of the disastrous Beeching line closures of the early Sixties , when Col. Savill was able to record on colour film many of the much-loved structures of the railway scene that are now lost .
5 It was Peirce who first termed such expressions indexical signs , and argued that they determined a referent by an existential relation between sign and referent ( see Burks , 1949 ) Peirce 's category in fact included rather more than the directly Context-dependent expressions that are now called deictic or indexical , and his particular system of categories has not been put to much effective use in linguistic pragmatics ( but see e.g. Bean , 1978 ) .
6 Sad to say , there are thousands of businesses that are now exposed .
7 Well that 's all , that 's all that it is , it 's all the rotten people that are now getting on .
8 The British manufacturer , Contassium , argues that is has often taken doctors years to recognise the value of substances , such as vitamin C and B12 , that are now recognised as genuine vitamins .
9 He revealed to ACCOUNTANCY that he is getting extra discounts of around 10% from the six major publishers that are now involved .
10 With 20 : 20 vision , hindsight is very easy , but if only some of the things that are now happening at Asfordby had been accepted more readily a few years ago , we might well have been having a very different debate today .
11 The most prominent aspect of privatisation , as practised by the Conservative government , has been the transfer of ownership of assets from the public sector to the private sector ( as in definition 1 ) , and it is the arguments for this that are now considered .
12 Two of those that are now running are fitted up with electric light , more as an experiment than anything else .
13 Are the systems in the this ourselves now on the responsibility of the sample videos that are now running smoothly .
14 I was disappointed that in his opening speech the Foreign Secretary did not even mention the horrific growth in racial attacks and neo-Nazi bands that are now rampaging around the eastern part of what is now the unified Germany .
15 Those that are now appearing have been in the pipeline for at least two years , having been commissioned before the recession hit the publishing industry .
16 He added : ‘ The Ulster Resistance Movement was set up by loyalist politicians , and it 's their guns that are now killing innocent people . ’
17 Erm , and you will be aware that at two of er , three of the er summonses that are now left here to de deal with , that 's three of the four er , do in fact , relate to clearly produce the documents .
18 Erm and you will be aware that , er two of three of the er summonses that are now left for you to de deal with , that 's three of the four er do in fact relate to failure to produce documents .
19 Given the consultations and enquiries that are now needed for relatively minor landscape changes , it is doubtful if it would have ever been achieved .
20 At the beginning of the Triassic the dominant land animals were the mammal-like reptiles , the synapsids , although they had already been badly affected by dramatic events at the end of the Permian ; catastrophic events of the kind that are now known to have turned the course of Earth 's history several times .
21 Some of the funds that are now flowing from the CAP — not always put to as good a use as we should like — should encourage rather than discourage environmentally friendly farming .
22 True , during his tenure Mr Conable quickly identified a number of themes — notably the environment and the role of women — that are now becoming central to development policy .
23 But the many complex descriptions of the real social practice of literate and oral modes that are now becoming available suggest that literacy and orality are not so vastly differentiated as these writers claim .
24 These are brightly coloured fish that are now becoming increasingly popular amongst pool owners .
25 If we look at the sea-floor maps that are now becoming increasingly available , One is struck ( at least , I am ) by the great areas that are either receiving no sediment at all or else are covered with the merest veneer .
26 They would drive away inward investors , make manufacturing investment much more difficult and defer the day when we improve our balance of trade in televisions , cars and all the other things that are now improving so strongly under the Government 's policies .
27 Those units where management has ignored or abdicated its responsibility are those that are now panicking in the approach to 1 April .
28 With all the new techniques now available , such as twenty-four hour trading and the global marketing of securities , we have been a bit slow to adapt to changes that are now going to be permanent .
29 But then you 've not used it up , and so there 's certain things that are now going to happen .
30 The experiments that are now turning in the goods are on CERN 's largest particle accelerator .
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