Example sentences of "that [conj] [pers pn] 've " in BNC.

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1 You 've written one in , that where they 've .
2 So that was the , the philosophy behind that particular proposal , that where you 've got development works , you take them out of the budget , and the bidding process , and try and get a rolling programme of expenditure and receipts , so that , if that 's approved that would deal with two and three .
3 But one must still be wary the fact that although we 've got this nice electric gadget , that we drop the probe into a bucket of water and it gives us er a salinity it is still entirely dependent on this ratio and this ratio is based on the constancy of composition which is very good for open ocean waters but breaks down in coastal waters where erosional processes , where fresh water additions and the sediment loads of the rivers may actually alter this ratio , okay ?
4 I 'm sorry to see that although we 've got a large increase in budget , which is of course always very welcome , that we have n't perhaps addressed improving the quality er as much as we might have done , although we 've got a lot more home help hours that may be classed as an improvement , but er there are many other areas where we could perhaps encourage improvement in community care er with a bit of thought .
5 Now of course it would depend very much on and whether you were in a drought situation as we were until last year or whether it 's like we 've been over this last summer and early winter which is that virtually not a day has passed without we 've had some rain , in which case obviously the roof is going to get cleaned up very much quicker but I have to say that although I 've always been under the impression that it 's not a good idea to save water off a new felt roof er because of deposits that come off the mineral felt .
6 It 's the feeling that although you 've done the job for today you 've still got to do it tomorrow .
7 Well , it , it might be that once we 've dealt , , once we have dealt and , and are dealing with the budget , it might be that we , we receive some , some papers erm , from the department for future social services reports .
8 Erm do you have cases where the where the girls or same faces keep popping up or do you do you feel that once they 've been pulled in they it puts them off ?
9 I think we have to be a little bit careful about this because , of course , erm the feeling is not that once they 've been in the job for a little while that they are still amateurs , it 's merely that we do n't require them to know a great deal about what they 're going to do before they start .
10 People are seen as going up a ladder : they are trainees , they become accepted when they get to know the school rules — the ambience is that once you 've survived the initiation , you 're part of this club , this closed society .
11 The real user bonus from this setup is that once you 've found your desired sound and stored it , it 's there for use any time , always consistent and accurate , but with scope for ‘ fine-tuning ’ to suit the gig .
12 I 'm sure you 'll agree that once you 've read a copy , you 'll wonder how you ever managed to do without it !
13 It 's strange , too , thinks Ingrid , that once you 've actually passed the dreaded date , perspective shifts and the dread of leaving your 30s evaporates .
14 It 's just that once you 've started on a war , there 's no stopping it .
15 The project resource sheet is so designed that once you 've allocated the resources , it is now relatively easy to transfer those res resources over to the project plan .
16 He was the man who knew all the best positions and though he has now retired from football to run golfing weekends at places like the Meon Valley Hotel Golf and Country Club near Winchester , he assures you that once you 've scored five times a night you never forget it .
17 Because that implies that this kind of thing then spreads to other areas of life , I mean it , after all the revolution of seventeen ninety eight did n't have anything to do with erm industrial relations as such , I mean it was er it was really about the monarchy , the state and er people starving and all that stuff , but the this introduces the interesting idea that once you 've got a kind of pattern in the culture to something , it can then reappear in other areas .
18 It 's very interesting test , Curtain says , he maintains that once you 've done the test , you know , and you find out what you are , you are that forever .
19 I 'm absolutely certain that once you 've got the people there , once you 've got the contracts in place , the er , the people employed will deliver a high quality service .
20 Well we dug the lot up they 're all growing like mad and I , I 've got an idea that once you 've moved them they do n't , they do n't re-settle very well .
21 I was talking to Desmond about it and he reckons that once you 've got your line you can muck about and
22 And I think that once I 've taken e a few of the local bigwigs , then when they want a photograph taken , my name 'll get mentioned somewhere along the line and they might come to me .
23 , he 's probably widdleing nothing , poor that was n't worth sitting down for , no to think that once I 've gone on , which I did on Friday , I 'm now on my way out the other end
24 There Postman Pat there , oh you 've got that one , you have to wait until next week , alright , O K , we wo n't buy that cos you 've already got it , O K , ooh , ooh , are you with me ?
25 Pocket Book 's big summer read is from a promotable young actress , Lucinda Edmonds , with Lovers and Players ; Marsha Hunt does n't quite give us another Joy in her new one , Free ( Penguin ) , but her fans wo n't know that until they 've bought it .
26 Erm it is admitted that people are gon na have go much further to get their treatment ah , that was quite clearly stated as part of the the down side of it , and I do n't think we can tolerate that until we 've got a decent public transport system that 's going to allow patients to get by public transport from here to Colchester or Witham or Clacton or wherever and er and their , their relatives and friends to be able to follow to visit them if you know , as necessary .
27 Well we 'll not , we 'll not know that until we 've actually sent somebody on it , which is what we what
28 He gave a tight smile , drawled , ‘ I do n't want to answer that until we 've got to the end of your story . ’
29 Higher , higher rate , rate , well you do n't start to pay that until you 've exceeded the twenty three thousand seven hundred plus your personal allowance , so y you your basic rate of tax goes to twenty three seven hundred then you can add , add on your basic allowance , and for most people if they 're earning er a single person twenty seven and a half and married person twenty eight and a half above that you 're paying higher rate tax .
30 Maureen O'Hara , of the Children 's Legal Centre , said : ‘ Local authorities have to accept that if they 've made every effort to keep children at home with the non-abusing parent and it does n't work , they may have to be taken into care . ’
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