Example sentences of "that [conj] she [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ When I bought this house and insisted she move in with me she took the path of least resistance and agreed , although even then if I 'd had the wits to see them all the signs were there that although she relished my role as provider she cared very little for me as a person . ’
2 Then , not more than a week later , I was coming down the back corridor from the kitchen when Miss Kenton came out of her parlour and uttered a statement she had clearly been rehearsing ; this was something to the effect that although she felt most uncomfortable drawing my attention to errors made by my staff , she and I had to work as a team , and she hoped I would not feel inhibited to do similarly should I notice errors made by female staff .
3 She went on to say that although she 'd done what she could from her Oxford home , and encouraged her friends to do the same , eventually she just had to pack and go to Orkney .
4 We stopped again to buy olive oil and garlic , for Lili said that although she had vowed not to interfere she was going to cook dinner and , while my mother would complain , she would be grateful in the end .
5 But she did not realize that although she had broken an accepted social rule , she had done nothing against nature .
6 I asked if she had made a separate tension swatch for the stocking stitch , to which she replied yes and that although she used stitch size 7 for the Fair Isle and 5.2 for the stocking stitch , it had matched exactly ( ? ) .
7 Peony preferred to be regarded for herself and not just as a stamp of her mother 's , for her mother was beautiful , but Peony knew that although she did look the pattern of her mother , she had not her beauty or her presence .
8 And explain to her that although she did a good job with the Board of Directors , but erm , the ballbearings people wanted something different .
9 Perhaps she even got Grandma thinking the same , not realizing that Grandma was a person who needed the near-replica of her childhood to make a background for her life ; and that although she gave , she also received .
10 My mother has said many times in our adult life that although she loved our father and should have stood by him , as far as Richard was concerned , ‘ she could not help herself ’ .
11 None the less the brisk , no-nonsense manner implied that once she had found what , if any , they might be , like the good feminist she was , she would be out there dealing with them .
12 And to think that once she had accused him of having a shard of ice in his heart — some wound from previous love affairs that prevented him from ever revealing his real feelings to any woman .
13 She found , however , that once she had been formally initiated into the movement , she was expected to spend all her time with other female devotees and could no longer speak to , let alone question , the leaders ( who were all male ) .
14 She was thinking instead that once she got to university she would never need to see him again .
15 Something told her that once she let this irrepressible man weave his way into the fabric of her life it would be almost impossible to get rid of him .
16 We told her that once she started going to the loo every time .
17 Pat said that until she heard that , she had n't realized just how anti-women her brother was .
18 But so many people all her life had told her how wrong it was to hurt others , so Jezrael penned inside her the rage that crushed its poison outwards through the walls of her veins , not knowing the harm she would do herself , knowing only that if she killed Zulei she would be as bad as Zulei was .
19 There were reports that senior ministers were insisting that if she failed to secure outright victory , she should consult them before deciding to carry on .
20 And always she was haunted by the knowledge that if she failed her mother would lose her home .
21 She had the terrible feeling that if she told her too much , gave her an excuse to poke and pry , somehow , all the safe fabric of their lives would be rent apart .
22 In carefully structured interviews on the concept of God with three and four-year old children she found that if she began by asking them to distinguish between objects which were man-made and ones which were natural and then to speculate about origins in each case , a majority of the responses referred to the natural objects being made by God or an unknown power ( almost half and half responses on this ) .
23 Maggie knew that if she felt like that she 'd never say so .
24 Bernice was fairly sure that if she asked whether she was , at that moment , on a lumpy excrescence on a strand of spaghetti stretching into the Doctor 's future and surrounded by a soup of probabilities , she would n't like the answer .
25 The fabric was so delicate that if she wore it without a brassiere you could just see the outline of her nipples .
26 She was not in the least concerned at her mother 's solitary state but knew her to be so recently buffeted by events that she would not cavil at two visiting teenagers , although she had intimated to Sam that if she filled the house with them , she would kill herself .
27 She had hoped that Rosie Lane at least , who was usually willing to try anything once , would have accepted the challenge , but she demurred , pleading a headache , and Janice told her , in mysterious tones , as though provided with obscene , private information , that she would be mad to go to such a place , that it was rough there , and wicked beyond all Clara 's pitiful conceptions of wickedness , and that if she went there anything might happen to her .
28 She thought that if she went there while the maid was cleaning , Theresa and Anthony out at work , she could nick the netsukes if she was quick and clever , and the maid would not notice .
29 She says that if she went into schools and said she was going to talk abouty physics , kids would be bored .
30 She realized that if she chose she could go all day without food and go to bed at any hour she liked .
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