Example sentences of "that [pron] would never " in BNC.

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1 The visitor left , forgetting to take her sewing machine , and I left with her , knowing full well that I would never see Aisha again and that news of my forcing the lock on her cupboard would reach my family and the whole village well amplified , so that I 'd end up accused of stealing all of Aisha 's possessions .
2 ‘ From our very first meeting he has always told me that he would never do anything to put the Soviet Union 's security in danger — and he knows that I would never endanger our security .
3 For Bridgnorth had made me resolve that I would never more go among a people that had been hardened in unprofitableness under an awakening ministry …
4 I seriously felt that I had lost my ‘ commercial sense ’ that I had before , and that I would never remember the intricacies of the High Court Rules , how to draft Court Pleadings or even how to write a sensible letter .
5 No-one else in our aircraft appeared to be the least bit concerned , but my relief as we finally drew near the coast of England again and then began our descent to the safety of solid earth was so great that I made a little promise to myself that I would never again set foot in an aeroplane , so long as I could be permitted to survive this one trip .
6 I was beginning to realise that I would never actually be a man and I already had experienced what I probably wanted more than anything else — the power men have in society .
7 But David had always worked by himself , so I had got used to the idea that I would never play with him , much as I wanted to .
8 ( I would point out at this stage that I would never begin to treat a patient with physical symptoms of this sort unless he or she had first consulted their doctor and was able to tell me that no physical cause for the problem could be found . )
9 ‘ Bloody hell , ’ I said , and decided that I would never understand women .
10 I give you my sworn word as my father 's son that I would never betray any trust you placed in me . ’
11 I watched her go with sadness in my heart because I felt for some inexplicable reason that I would never see Granny again .
12 ‘ If I knew my future and that I would never be No 1 I think I 'd tell myself to forget it .
13 I can remember walking away , swearing that I would never do this again , feeling physically sick .
14 However , as a ‘ courageous ’ cut and sewer , as well as being a past owner of a Brother Electronic with garter carriage which casts off automatically , I decided that I would never go back to a latch tool cast off and that it was a waste of time in any case if I was intending to cut the fabric !
15 There was much about the Spencer children that I would never understand , especially their relationship with Raine .
16 He said : ‘ I 've met lots of interesting people that I would never have seen before and I 've even had some nice letters .
17 On the other hand , the inspector 's belief that I would never be punished proved only too true when I returned to London and the inquest was held .
18 But all through my twenties and into my thirties I swore quite testily that I would never have children .
19 I promised to myself that I would never write an article about having a baby , never ever write that a baby was a celebration and examination of the mystery of our own being , and of course avoid the trap of believing that we were the first and only couple to have a baby .
20 It was true that I would never perjure myself .
21 I vowed then , as I have vowed many times before and since , that I would never again make myself so vulnerable to the team , that I would get them off my back and out of my life if it was the last thing I did .
22 The huge advantage of fame is that it gives me , for no proper reason , access to people that I would never otherwise have .
23 " My friend Lee would smile and tell me that I would never get real unity among seafaring men because they would not stick together .
24 I mean , I felt that , it made me worse as well , by going to them and I decided that I would never go back to them again , you know .
25 I knew that I would never find happiness anywhere else .
26 I did n't know that they could , but I 'd always sworn to her that I would never involve her in any way and I 've never broken my word .
27 When I was twelve , one of my friends bet another friend a bag of sweets that I would never come to anything .
28 I told him that if he suddenly wanted to rape me , I would n't resist , I would let him do what he liked , but that I would never speak to him again .
29 I thought that I would never be able to repeat the illustrations as finished drawings , so the book stayed as a dummy . ’
30 " Drewy " Leask , one of our local customs staff , same with us as local pilot , and very glad I was to have him on board as he was able to show us many remote anchorages and isolated harbours that I would never otherwise have dared approach .
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