Example sentences of "that [pron] had got " in BNC.

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1 Now that I had got it out I leaned back in my tubular steel chair with just the suggestion of a smirk on my face .
2 He said that this would be unnecessary and I got the distinct impression that I should not ask any more questions about it but be content that I had got my letter back .
3 They were spreading rumours that Mac and I knew the starter and that I had got away with a false start .
4 It came as a relief at this stage to find that I had got my sums right , and everything met where it ought !
5 I could not believe that I had got my first job .
6 To my astonishment , I learned a few weeks later that I had got the post .
7 The formalities took some weeks , but by the end of July 1939 , I learnt that I had got the job .
8 ‘ Because it was felt that I had got to know you two a bit yesterday .
9 I remember thinking at the time that someone had got their priorities wrong .
10 She could see that she had got to it at last .
11 When the development officer realised ‘ that she had got to such a low ebb ’ she put in a paid worker for a regular two hours per week .
12 At first interview she said the strain of looking after her mother-in-law was considerable , that it was putting a strain on her marriage in that she and her husband were always quarrelling these days , and that she had got to the point when ‘ I feel I ca n't go on any longer ’ .
13 She said that she had got ‘ quite dependent ’ on Roger — I suppose she may have known him for about thirty-five years .
14 True , it was because of Finn that she had got so drunk .
15 She did n't want involvement with any man ; it was simply a cruel twist of fate that she had got it , and there was no way that she was going to expose her vulnerability to him .
16 He thought it a great feat that she had got in from the Point in an hour and a quarter .
17 Oh , why on earth had n't Luke told her that she had got it all wrong ?
18 A month later Sebastian started work at a London travel agent , living in lodgings on work days , and returning home to Hazelbury on his off days , and Leith heard that she had got the job at Ardis & Co .
19 Fabia echoed , and hoped as light dawned on her that she had got it right , ‘ You 're saying that Mr Gajdusek is going to Prague ? ’
20 She just replied that she had got it from the cupboard . ’
21 Anna was so startled by his perception and directness that she said , ‘ I was worrying that you had got the wrong impression , that you — ’ She stopped , silenced by loyalty .
22 I do n't think we need to type an enquiry , I think that the people who realise that , the fact that you had got there is meant to indicate to you that name of the firm was Mallard , and therefore by using by using Mallards , sausage skins , they 're expecting you to use apostrophe s .
23 ‘ She was really bubbly and we knew that we had got the right girl .
24 Wedgie [ Tony Benn ] then made what I found a very effective speech , pointing out that we had got to look at the problem in domestic as well as international terms .
25 It felt like confirmation that we had got it right .
26 I put in the usual request for official clearance through the valve and was pleased to find that we had got lucky .
27 Ultimately we were given that assurance and er we were quite proud of the fact that , you know , the members had gone along with us on the proviso that we had got that principle you know , to establish .
28 ‘ Two nail-biting months of interviews and waiting followed until we heard that we had got it — we were absolutely thrilled . ’
29 ‘ After so many weeks of work , it seemed that we had got it right , ’ Michael Codron told me .
30 Both the media and academia had generations who believed that they had got a production-based right to ‘ do things to people ’ .
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