Example sentences of "that [pron] have [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 This means that everyone has something in common with the rest of the group and it leads to a more relaxed and productive social activity .
2 That walk that I 've one That I 've walked it twice , gone right out Glen Baily and right into Glen Shee and down Blackwater , down to the and come along and round in , thirteen mile Maybe twelve or thirteen miles .
3 It 's not that I 've anything against audiences , it 's just that when they 're a blur they 're so friendly — just one big smiley mess .
4 Not that I 've anything against Americans ; far from it .
5 The therapist did n't attempt to persuade me that I had nothing to fear ; instead , every week I sat in her calm , warm room and talked about my family , my friendships , my feelings about myself , my ambitions .
6 Your Grace will therefore be so good as to allow me to ask you most humbly for my discharge … seeing that when I asked you for permission to travel to Vienna three years ago you graciously declared that I had nothing to hope for in Salzburg and would do better to seek my fortune elsewhere .
7 One thing I realised about my renewal of my faith is that I had nothing to do with it !
8 Monty promised me that I had nothing to worry about .
9 Having sized up the competition and feeling confident that I had nothing to fear , I boldly took a step forward , grabbed a morsel of soap and proceeded to scrub away .
10 Cutting down on food , I was University missing whole meals , telling people I was training , I 'm a P E teacher so sport and the perfect body was very much up front , so the more weight I lost the better I was told I looked until it became totally out of control and I was eating an apple and black coffee a day and then vomiting so that I had nothing in me .
11 And there it was , it struck me that I had nothing to lose , I was damned either way .
12 Joseph said : ‘ Well , just make sure you impress on her that I had nothing to do with any murder and she is not to suggest it . ’
13 Just believe me when I say that I had nothing whatsoever to do with any of this .
14 Automatically I checked that I had plenty of fuel myself .
15 Assuming now that I was aware of one or two facts of which you , my dear , could not be , assuming that I had something of importance to communicate to Michel , would you still stick to your stubborn refusal ? ’
16 We 've been together eight years now — so we 're over the seven year itch , not that I had one .
17 No mine are n't too bad really it 's just that I do n't like being having said that I had one .
18 ‘ Just because I knew Mills was suspected of betraying someone does not necessarily mean that I had anything to do with his unfortunate death .
19 She said huskily , ‘ Surely you ca n't really think that I had anything to do with this ? ’
20 But neither can I claim that I had anything to do with it .
21 ‘ It 's a little bit easier now that I have nothing to lose , ’ he said .
22 All I can say in my defence is that I have nothing now in my life that I would need to hide from you . ’
23 When I decide I would like to join , I believe ( my self-concept ) that I have something to contribute — skills , actions , aptitudes , abilities , potential , etc .
24 Such a peculiar coincidence startles me into remembering that I have something to write for Esquire .
25 ‘ God knows when I 'll see you again , but tonight I shall … so that I have something to remember , my little Cassie . ’
26 ‘ I can assure you that I have none of those — er-appendages . ’
27 Not that I have anything against ugliness .
28 Not that I have anything against gas fitters but I do think that to do what I did at 15 takes a bit more courage .
29 ‘ I do n't think that I have anything more to say to you , Johnny .
30 It 's not that I have anything against them per se , of course .
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