Example sentences of "that [prep] [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 Although he stops short of locating particular disciplines within this typology , one can see that for example the natural sciences would tend to be hard and pure , engineering would be hard and applied , the arts are likely to be soft , and so on .
2 Can I make a suggestion to you , that I think that if you go through these you will come to the conclusion that there are two ways for doing this and one is that for example the majority of the ones that Stella 's got where she feels she can make the decision it is only going to affect her you come in with it already done , redlined new where you think there is going to be some discussion , you go through , you put together in the same way as Simon has done reasoning around it .
3 Notice that for convenience the real wage is measured along the horizontal axis and the quantity of labour is measured along the vertical axis .
4 A possibility originally considered by Lubow and Moore ( 1959 ) as an explanation for their newly discovered latent inhibition effect was that during pre-exposure the subject might come to perform some response to the stimulus that interfered with the response monitored during conditioning .
5 However that theory has to a certain extent been undermined by the ratio of this judgment which says that during employment the employee may not disclose or use his skill and knowledge to the detriment of his employer without being in breach of his duty of fidelity .
6 FETAL DEATH is death prior to the complete expulsion or extraction from its mother of a product of conception , irrespective the duration of pregnancy ; the death is indicated by the fact that after separation the fetus does not breathe or show any other evidence of life , such as beating of the heart , pulsation of the umbilical cord , or definite movement of voluntary muscles .
7 A detective told the court that after caution the pair replied : ‘ Nothing to say to the charge . ’
8 The apportionment , usually expressed in percentage terms , operates with the same penalty as in the normal Tender , viz. that in the event that after Proof the party to whom the Tender has been made is found liable for a greater proportion of the claim than was offered to him , then that party becomes responsible for the Tenderer 's expenses from the date when the Tender was lodged .
9 It had been argued that after assignment the liability of the original lessee became one of suretyship which was discharged following an alteration of the original contract without the consent of the guarantor .
10 But tests have shown that Actomite is so effective that after treatment the House Dust Mite population is significantly reduced for up to three months .
11 There will be those saying that of course the UK must help this or that ruler protect himself , and anyway , it 's a little naive to ignore the markets .
12 To be fair , he echoed his party 's line when he said that of course the 20 per cent .
13 Under subsequent cross examination from Allan Gore , barrister , for driver Reg McEwan who died in the Newton collision , he conceded that with hindsight the new layout at Newton , designed to allow higher speeds for trains on the Glasgow to London InterCity line , had been achieved ‘ at a price ’ .
14 Under cross examination from Allan Gore , barrister , for driver Reg McEwan who died in the Newton collision , he conceded that with hindsight the new layout at Newton , designed to allow higher speeds for trains on the Glasgow to London InterCity line , had been achieved ‘ at a price ’ .
15 In particular , we shall see that with time the Whigs became increasingly identified as a party of the Court and the royal executive , whilst the Tories , by the end of Anne 's reign , had essentially become a Country party .
16 ( It is interesting to compare Fawcett 's position to that of Ramsay MacDonald , whose adherence to patriarchal views within the family surpassed his faith in collectivism in the matter of family allowances ; he declared that under socialism the mother and children 's right to maintenance would be honoured by the male breadwinner , not the state . )
17 He argues that under capitalism the interests of workers and capitalists are fundamentally opposed so that the latter , in order to pursue their objective of profit maximisation , need to exercise tight control over the former .
18 The Fabians did not accept that under capitalism the necessary contradictions would manifest themselves in a growing class struggle .
19 It is the argument of Braverman and some other radicals ( though not of most of Braverman 's critics , as we shall see in the next chapter ) that within capitalism the inherently antagonistic relationship between capital and labour inevitably generates a ‘ low trust ’ relationship .
20 It is notable that in winter the bird population of heathlands and commons in Sussex is decidedly sparse .
21 The novel argues in cold , unremitting fidelity to its own thesis that in life the evil may in the end go unpunished and live happily ever after ; that the truly self-sufficient being , if he anywhere existed , would be ultimately inviolable , fearing neither reproach nor self-reproach ; and that those who are strong enough to live without sympathy are forever beyond the reach of compassion or revenge .
22 He got the board to take the initiative in asking for a League inquiry , hoping that in return the sentence would be a light one .
23 First , there was the simple fact of depopulation which diminished the general size of the market and the level of demand for indigenous manufactures , and no doubt thereby arrested the economic development of the whole region ; second , the depopulation affected agriculture , reducing some previous food exporting regions to starvation levels by the nineteenth century ; third , African production of cloth , metalware and other handicrafts was severely affected , not only by the loss of so many of its producers , but also by the fact that in return the slave traders penetrated the markets of the coast and hinterland with European cotton and manufactured goods ; and fourth , as the demand for slaves multiplied and as many African kings and merchants became even more dependent on European trade , war raids for the capture of potential slaves from neighbouring societies became even more frequent , injecting political instability , consuming precious economic resources , and creating a vicious spiral in which rival kingdoms became ever more dependent on the slave trade to acquire the fire arms necessary for capturing more slaves and in turn defending their slaves against slave-hunting raids from neighbouring kingdoms ( Rodney , 1972 , pp. 104–23 ; Davidson , 1974 , pp. 206 — 10 ; Inikoria , 1982 ) .
24 It was understood that in return the new Iraqi Kurdish authorities would prevent Iranian Kurdish groups from operating there [ see also p. 38838 ] .
25 Hatcher and Shallice , for instance , having cited Phizacklea and Miles 's research , conclude , contrary to the researchers , that in education the key task must be the provision of superior explanations for unemployment , for example , which would also involve discussions of issues of class politics .
26 It was just that in camp the link between sex and behaviour was often cruder and more obvious than in ordinary life .
27 It is true that in film the ‘ image ’ , however symbolically intended or perceived , is always ‘ literalised ’ by the medium itself .
28 Richards holds that in poetry the function of " feeling " tends to dominate that of " sense " , while Jakobson identifies a special " poetic " function , which can be found in many uses of language , but which dominates over other functions in poetry .
29 If the terms of an agreement are unclear , or incomplete in some material aspect , it may be that in law the parties have not yet entered into a contract .
30 A protest march planned in Warsaw attracted only around 4,000 workers , although some observers suggested that in part the low turnout could be blamed on a separate strike being staged since the previous day by Warsaw 's public transport workers .
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