Example sentences of "that [pron] [vb -s] of " in BNC.

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1 I gather that nothing remains of the site today .
2 She says that everyone dreams of winning a medal , but at the moment she is just hoping to get there .
3 No-one would argue with the statistics — marriage breakdown has reached epidemic proportion , so the CMAC must make sure that everyone knows of its existence .
4 I am greatly touched that she thinks of me and remembers me even in the state of forgetfulness of human affairs in which she now finds herself .
5 381 , 384 ‘ There is no doubt that at common law if a wife chooses wilfully and without justification to live away from her husband she can not , so long as she continues absent , render him liable for the necessaries supplied to her , or for her maintenance by the union , for the reason that she has of her own free will deprived herself of the opportunity which the husband was affording her of being maintained in the home .
6 The court has been told that that order has not been formally served upon the mother , but there is no question but that she knows of its existence and its terms .
7 But you can argue that a woman has a right to the use that she makes of her own body .
8 It is from Luke that one learns of Paul 's conversion and mission .
9 Well , of course , it is inevitable that one thinks of it from that angle from the way one has been brought up but actually one ca n't think of anything more barbaric than the Crucifixion and that way of killing somebody .
10 But there clung about her something that seemed much older , ten years older , a sort of coolness — not coldness or indifference , but a limpid aloofness ; coolness in the way that one thinks of coolness on a hot summer 's day .
11 This is certainly not the language that one uses of a resident sage or recognized ‘ master ’ ; and it seems that in Paris at that time there was in fact no one who esteemed Pound in either of those ways .
12 The linguistic explanation of legare as a general term helps , then , to explain some serious awkwardnesses , but it is not clear that it disposes of all entirely .
13 Try crashing an electron into a gatepost and you might find that it decides of its own accord to orbit round the nearest dandelion .
14 Nevertheless , since 1915 other theories of gravity have been advanced , though the great majority of scientists today accept Einstein 's General Theory and the explanation that it offers of Mercury 's precession .
15 Our dilemma is that it speaks of a level of separation from the world , the flesh and human reality which has already proved far too harmful to the churches in general and for women in particular for us to consider returning to it .
16 There is a kind of contradiction in classical structuralist writing which attributes to literature a non-referential self-sufficiency supposed to incarnate language 's very being , and yet which continues itself to employ a language whose referential scientificity ignores the very qualities that it speaks of .
17 We , in this country and indeed in this house , can be very deeply complacent when indeed we should be ever vigilant about our democracy and the very precious forms that it takes of which one was the er public inquiry stage of the erm boundary commission procedures .
18 It is simply a fact that truth can not be tolerant , that it admits of no compromises or limitations …
19 Prof Wilkinson points out that the international community might not decry unilateralist intervention provided that it approves of the outcome .
20 As we shall see , the reversal remains inadequate in that it conceives of homophobia in mainly psychosexual terms , and phobic ones at that .
21 The theory , as eventually set forth ( 1868 ) , was constituted by two theses : that the generative material comes from all over the parent body or bodies , and that it consists of minute ‘ gemmules ’ budded off from every part .
22 The advantage they have over individuals is that , although each practice only contains a part of the complex phenomenon which is society , each one is a ‘ whole ’ in the sense that it consists of a variety of different kinds of parts , all of which are interrelated .
23 Both Kelsen and Aquinas acknowledge the role of determination and subsumption and both regard positive law as normative in the sense that it consists of precepts intimating how men ought to behave under particular circumstances .
24 An alternative is that it consists of a few per cent silicates , all the rest being iron-rich compounds such as FeS and FeO , which have densities between those of metallic iron and silicates .
25 It is no improvement merely to add a label , saying — taking an example at random — that left for Scotland yesterday morning is a verb phrase if by that we simply mean that it consists of a certain sequence of word classes recognized as frequently occurring .
26 ( 2 ) Rewrite the extract on p. 77 beginning " Since Etherege … " , so that it consists of several short sentences .
27 I mean if you take the regulatory we did it with today that it consists of the Bank of England , the Securities and Investment Board , twenty four organisations of the S I B S , siblings you might call them er under it , the Building Societies Commission , the police , the serious fraud office , the Department of Trade and Industry , the London Stock Exchange , the Inland Revenue , five recognised supervisory bodies , all those dealing with er auditors and the others , it 's chaos er and nobody knows who is responsible for what and in that chaos you get overlapping decisions er er and conflicting regulations , everybody tries to ensure themselves by regulating too much er er and it 's a situation which drastically needs simplification , but we do n't have any proposals for strengthening and making that work er er frame work more effective , to back up er this er simple proposal today .
28 Recently we have been working on other corpora , including a 26-million word corpus , much larger than the LOB Corpus , but more restricted , in that it consists of newspaper reports .
29 ‘ The idea I have in view whilst I make the demonstration ’ may be of a particular right-angled triangle with sides of a certain length , but I may , nevertheless , be sure that it holds of all right-angled triangles if , by not mentioning the ways in which it differs from them , I use this one to stand for them all .
30 Without impugning the motives of any believer in this , I point out that it reeks of a vile and dangerous racism .
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