Example sentences of "that [pron] [was/were] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The establishment of a National Curriculum has certainly been a major historical movement , but it is not the case that nothing was defined prior to 1988 and now everything is defined .
2 Lilley stated that nothing was ruled out in his review .
3 However , the eddy in the pool meant that nothing was lost .
4 Jackson did promise some attention to the matter but it seems that nothing was granted .
5 The fact is that nothing was done about the matter , and the goats were released from farm isolation by the ministry with subsequent disastrous results for me and for others .
6 He had a poor opinion of the utility of book-learning to the Masai , and it was no doubt in part due to his influence that nothing was done in Tanganyika to bring education to them till the 1930s , whereas the first government school was opened in Kenya Masailand in 1921 .
7 A colleague of Dr Maden 's is quoted as saying that nothing was done because ‘ nothing really terrible had happened …
8 Luckily the weather was so awful that nothing was flying , so there was only routine work to attend to .
9 Perversely , a settlement which is seen as having been the subject of more bitter dispute may persuade voters that nothing was given away too lightly .
10 At the junction with the road she braked just long enough to see that nothing was coming then turned right and careered wildly down the long hill into the village .
11 It was enough to daunt most people , but she once told me that the only thing that dismayed her was sorting out their incredible mass of luggage , making sure that the right things went by the right route and that nothing was left behind .
12 The trees were rustling silver in the moonlight and the garden , as always , waved its grass nonchalantly , trying to suggest that nothing was going on .
13 But after a week of total failure to concentrate for more than a minute he had to acknowledge to himself that nothing was going right .
14 Persuading her that nothing was going on could turn out to be a Herculean task .
15 Kalm noted that the spent tan was afterwards spread in the garden as manure and that nothing was laid On pots in the summer , compared with Moscow where he had seen sawdust used to keep them moist .
16 But few of their efforts in the field of development were blessed with success , and this contributed to the erroneous impression that nothing was attempted .
17 This does not mean that nothing was bought and sold in the independent sector , still less that the agricultural producers in it were self-sufficient , though it is probable that a rather high proportion of peasant agriculture was consumed on the peasant holding , or within the narrow limits of a local system of exchange , if only because the food demands of the small cities in so many areas could be supplied from within a radius of little more than one or two dozen miles .
18 When I helped him into bed he said , with some echo of his old authority , that nothing was to change while he was here ; that I was to go on with my work ; that he would teach me to play chess at last ; that he was absolutely thrilled to be out of hospital , and it would be a positive delight to look after himself .
19 James asked , contributing to the elaborate pretence that everyone was thinking about the Redburns , not Abbotsfield .
20 As long ago as 1911 Edmund Holmes wrote of schools that were ‘ ridden by the examination incubus ’ , arguing that everyone was cheated by a system whose merit-order and pass-lists were nothing but ‘ outward signs ’ .
21 In fact , the interviews were so casual that everyone was reassured that they would be released as soon as the general strike eased .
22 Rostov turned round and saw that everyone was bowing except Alexei .
23 The fact that everyone was waving tiny American flags made this spectacle of labour all the more bizarre .
24 Despite the received view that everyone was watching films like The Battleship Potemkin , Lenin 's vision began to be realised only at the end of the 1920's .
25 Carolyn noticed that everyone was watching Bryony , and Bryony smiled and threaded the ear-rings through the holes in her ears , and they must all have a look and comment .
26 They stood swearing at each other , both aware that everyone was watching .
27 Every time he removed his glasses to wipe the rain off them he could see that everyone was taking advantage of his short-sightedness to stare at him and grin and point .
28 Having told me that everyone was advising him to record it , I told him to go ahead and do it , but not with me .
29 I looked around , and it seemed that everyone was looking at Kezia .
30 The first two figures revealed that everyone was looking to the farm to be financially viable .
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