Example sentences of "that [pron] [is] something " in BNC.

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1 The lumpy smoothness of all its surfaces reinforces the sense that Plenty is something organic , something that was generated , not constructed .
2 But , but I had more to do with her than Evelyn but er from what little bits I 've gleaned , you know , er I 'm a bit into everything like , and I seem to think , I 've got a f strange feeling that she 's something to do with education and they 're worried about children not speaking properly eventu
3 Most drama training works on the assumption that there is something called ‘ standard English ’ , which is generally considered to be the ‘ straight ’ delivery of words without affectation or regional variation .
4 One can also add that there is something in the present policies of the SDLP which suggest a need to maintain a somewhat fragile unity in respect of the national question .
5 However , it seems to me that there is something a little perverse in leaving me your notes on the making of the Big Glass when you must have known perfectly well that they contained material I would be certain to find offensive .
6 That there is something he does not know is shown by the fact that if he were to gain his sight , he would come to know something that he previously had not known .
7 At first sight this looks like an uninteresting stipulation about how to use the word ‘ fact ’ — uninteresting because the anti-materialist could as well state his case using some such term as ‘ feature ’ or ‘ aspect ’ , and it is difficult to see how , once having allowed that there is something called ‘ what it is like to see ’ which one only learns by seeing , one could refuse to describe this as a feature or aspect of mental life .
8 So we started by asking our friends , who in turn asked others , until we were eventually inundated with testimonies from witnesses around the world who provided popular proof that there is something about the cinema that encourages , right there in the picture house , thoughts , feelings and behaviour in its patrons by turns enigmatic , terrifying , erotic , sad , hilarious and poetic , often triggered by uncanny interplay between screen image and real-time events in the auditorium and in the world beyond the muffled doors .
9 The idea that there is something of a lag between terminology and social system is interesting and there does indeed sometimes seem to be this type of gap .
10 Throughout Marx 's work he stresses , as he had done for labour , the fantastic nature of the capitalist concept of property , the fantastic notion that there is something of our personality in the things or places we own .
11 All these examples suggest that there is something else , over and above a response of the body to our life-style and environment .
12 Now we would humbly suggest that there is something slightly wrong here .
13 News footage showing an angry crowd mobbing badger baiters as they entered a courtroom for trial suggests that there is something especially odious about using dogs to tear badgers apart .
14 Obviously different social groups have a varying ability to articulate these concerns , but there is a widely shared general notion that there is something valuable — ‘ the British way of life ’ — which would be undermined by translation into an overwhelmingly Catholic country .
15 Politicians , planners and architects — who teamed up to create many an urban disaster area — are now united in the view that there is something seriously wrong with British cities .
16 Let us remember that there is something of God in everyone — even people we find it difficult to like .
17 May we try to show them by our own example that there is something good in everyone .
18 The sight of judges and magistrates going on strike and scuffling with police outside the Palace of Justice and the recent murder of a policewoman in a riot ( June 1991 ) , as well as the regular disruption of life by numerous strikes , especially in public services , indicate that there is something seriously wrong .
19 However , whilst I remain suspicious of Hick 's cosy position , it may be possible to accept that there is something approaching a common theistic structure among a number of the world 's religious traditions .
20 We need to convince both the parent and the child that there is something attractive to offer .
21 Surely any fool should be able to see that there is something wrong with a child like that .
22 That kind of mystical knowledge that there is something incredibly black around the corner .
23 It is impossible to believe in the journey of the spirit without believing that there is something else after this life .
24 If you believe that there is something more after this life and that the spirit of the person who has died is continuing its journey in that place , then , because that is as it should be , there is no point in crying for that spirit .
25 If it is not discovered , however , it is highly likely that there is something wrong with the assumptions ; the data can certainly dampen over-enthusiastic imagination .
26 Any broadcaster will tell you that there is something different and better about a live ‘ performance ’ .
27 In men it is rare and should always be checked out with your health care practitioner because it may be an indication that there is something else wrong in the urinary system .
28 They say ‘ I 'm all right ’ or ‘ I 'm fine ’ when we know , as a friend or a partner , that there is something wrong but the opportunity to share the problem is not taken .
29 Be active in your thoughts to counter the negative tendency , and if you think of rest and relaxation as recharging , you will see that there is something here to achieve ; it is not just a letting go .
30 I suspect what the conclusion wants to imply is that there is something in the philosophy of science which says that science should be used for good things and that war is not one of these .
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