Example sentences of "that [pron] [vb past] just " in BNC.

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1 It was only when I started to receive my magazine that I realised just how courageous the lifeboat crews are .
2 Maybe I would never be able to return to the present — not that I cared just then .
3 Did I tell you about that song that I heard just once .
4 Brilliant , I said , pretending that I 'd just got in .
5 Apparently he was a bit worried , so I said — oh , it sounds silly — that we 'd only just got back , that I 'd just sat down … . ’
6 I remember waking up in the middle of the night with a big smile on my face , feeling really pleased with myself , thinking that I 'd just had a wet dream .
7 If I left a table in Fif 's that I 'd just acquired , I might attract attention .
8 They probably thought , at that time of the afternoon , that I 'd just been made redundant .
9 I 'm thinking about marketing my services on quality and relating to customers in a way that I 'd just begun to think of before but now it 's come right to the front .
10 at the time , I thought , ‘ This is ridiculous , I 'm holding these boys back ’ because I was also managing a singer called Marc Bolan , and in the quieter moments , he and David would decorate my office to fill in the time , but I said to them that I had just run out of money and could n't afford to carry on — I 'd taken no commission from either of them at the time — so I went off to Spain to think about my next move and released them both from their contracts . ’
11 All of this was already mapped out in a very decent and proper piece of research that I had just written up .
12 ‘ Azadi said that I had just twenty-four hours to provide him with the exact location of the ship — or else I would be executed .
13 The second element was that I had just started working at the London School of Economics in October 1970 , which was exactly the same time as GLF started meeting there and LSE was in one of its periods of turmoil which involved me as someone working on the staff and excited me politically .
14 Very fortunately , for goldfinches and linnets , I soon discovered , happened to be two of the reserve 's commonest species and it would have been akin to rushing out to tell my neighbours back home that I had just seen a sparrow in the yard .
15 From a letter to my mother dated 2 May , which has escaped destruction , it is clear that I had just written to Eliot explaining that I realized the undesirability of publication , unless indeed Rowse himself were prepared to give it his endorsement .
16 It was none other than the juvenile that I had just been defending .
17 A roar of falling water as a door opened and closed indicated that someone had just emerged from the lavatory .
18 She read it idiotically at least three times , until she 'd convinced herself there was no hidden psychological message in the bare statement of fact , and then realised that someone had just come in the front door of the flat and was moving around in the hall .
19 She arrived one day in the clinic in the peak of health and triumphantly announced that she had just got married and was setting out to live in Palm Springs with her husband .
20 How many times had she heard the phrase that she had just used so easily .
21 But it is easy to see that , for example , a young mother who had recently been left by her husband , and gone back to a ( very good ) job , would pile up several different low scores , all linked to the fact that she had just become a single parent .
22 His most touching moment came after Dreamflight a couple of years ago when he was asked to rush to the bedside of a leukaemia victim who wanted to see the photos of the trip that she had just enjoyed so much .
23 It coincided with the news that she had just signed a new one year shoe contract with the company as part of its ongoing support for British tennis .
24 Until , in the end , Carrie began to think she must have made it all up , that she had just dreamed all those things he had said .
25 ‘ No ! ’ the Doctor said , and at the same time Bernice was trying to remember exactly when she had had the conversation that she had just remembered so clearly .
26 I could tell by her voice that she had just said something which she believed , and I was surprised , because I had somehow thought her too clever really to believe anything .
27 She looked me over , said I seemed to be a nice girl and announced that she had just the job for me — taking her goats out for a walk !
28 She once reported to Robert Landgrebe , marketing manager , in a voice of genuine shock that she had just been on an aeroplane with three accountants ‘ and do you know , they tried to talk to me about design ’ .
29 Then she looked behind her and saw a carriage coming up the same hill that she had just climbed , with a man leading the horse .
30 She knew what he was looking at — the pile of birthday cards on the kitchen table , and the letter that she had just started to rip open when he had first thumped on her door .
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