Example sentences of "that [adj] can be " in BNC.

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1 I do not think that that can be right .
2 The far world not the The unspiritual world that that we can You see the pride in the eye , that with that that that that can be can be another women or it can it can be cosmetics , it can be a dress to women or it could be another man .
3 When does she anticipate that that can be resolved ?
4 Characteristically he uses the imagery of song to point to the highest kind of contemplative experience of God : The Form unfolds a process of definition which comes full circle back to its beginning so that that can be understood in a new way : the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time .
5 that is , that is what , that is what exists to do , or one of the things that exists to do as the U K sales company our business is to give the projections for a particular piece of business , and if we see any other similar bits of business around it that 's fine , that 's , that needs to be added to it , but to give our vision of that particular piece of business , feed that into the marketing people in , and say , look , this is the situation if we go this way , this is what we think is going to happen , if we do this , this is going to happen , if we do n't do this , this is what 's going to happen , so that that can be fed into an overall picture , and they will come back , I presume , and say , right , we now have enough information to know that it 's going to be worth =vesting , investing in production of sixteen double O fours in er Peter .
6 that that can be seen from er the bungalow almost directly opposite , and er it 's almost a traditional requirement that they ask for steep pitches .
7 I jus I ca n't believe that that can be true !
8 This confirms that Oct-11 can be expressed within the same cell type as Oct-2 and that Oct-11 is abundantly expressed in the P3/NS1/1-Ag4.1 cell line and its two hybridoma derivatives MR26/8cC11/E6/C12 and 2MR/47/A/D4/H1 .
9 This in itself gives strength to the contention that neither can be based on beliefs of real substance .
10 Any definition which helps to recognise that there may be substantial overlapping of legal and social issues , and that neither can be adequately dealt with in isolation is to be commended .
11 Psychologists have also found that gradation facilitates the prevention of what they call retroactive inhibition , whereby new material is confused with old material in such a way that neither can be remembered .
12 This is a condition whereby new material is confused with old material in such a way that neither can be remembered .
13 His account of the common dolphin , written nearly 2500 years ago , is so thorough that little can be added to it even today .
14 They show that little can be done for , which is not done with the people .
15 But now he believes that little can be done to help .
16 Where parent and child genuinely fall in love , as is sometimes the case , it would seem that little can be done save control by law .
17 One torso is so weathered that little can be said but that it does seem to show the same primitive technique as Nikandre 's .
18 So little archaeological research has been conducted on the ‘ foreign ’ goods from excavations on town sites goods like querns , hones , and pottery — that little can be said for activities at markets and fairs in the Middle
19 It does mean , however , that each chapter has to be judged on its individual merits or — putting the matter more positively — that each can be digested successfully without reference to its companions .
20 Experiments on animals in the last 20 years have revealed that there are several different types of memory ( for example , memory for places , or for events , or for movements ) , that each can be independently disturbed , and that each is primarily controlled by a different part of the brain .
21 The Telegraph , too , implies that British can be neatly distinguished from Irish , but one of the complexities of Britain and Ireland is that it is not that easy to do so .
22 One important point about these hot-spot plants is that some can be difficult to over-winter .
23 Any computer shop will tell you about the various comms packages available for your machine , though bear in mind that some can be quite difficult to set up ( and that most American software can not handle the Prestel standards ) .
24 While the city is kept within bounds he sees that this can be healthy , though in both culture and industry a balance between town and country is necessary .
25 Again it is crucial to stress that this can be a lengthy process taking some months or years depending on circumstances , availability of help and a number of other variables .
26 It is certainly not the case that this can be discerned in the work of all the nouveaux romanciers at the same time ; however , that such a development did indeed take place suggests that a new poetics was being tacitly formulated .
27 I am quite certain that this can be achieved .
28 Second , examining the stock and gathering information on the pattern of use so that this can be used later at the ordering stage .
29 The following plan is one way that this can be achieved :
30 Of course refineries can be modified or adjusted to produce the necessary product range given time , but the idea that this can be done to every refinery simultaneously and instantaneously is ludicrous .
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