Example sentences of "that [verb] [verb] into " in BNC.

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1 Something that became woven into the legend and the myth of the day , ’ said Dierdriu .
2 He was good at them , linking all the stories together with more gum and spit , reintroducing the characters with , ‘ You know that bad bad man who was caught naked in the bathing hut ? ’ , as in a wild soap opera , until he knew that at the end of her day spent sucking on dusty brain juice , her maddening mouth would inevitably say , ‘ Hey , Changez , husband or whatever you are , do n't you know any more about that politician geezer that got thrown into jail ? ’
3 It is socialisation that transforms ageing into something that is to be feared , and leads us to believe that older people are to be pitied .
4 In between there is a vague area that needs forming into a track from the starting point to the solution .
5 Though it 's my head , not my body that needs pulling into shape .
6 Ball was the first amateur and the first Englishman to win the Open , at Prestwick in 1890 , but the kind of loving research that has to go into books of this type invariably makes fascinating reading .
7 Bouncing around on the end of an elastic rope may not be everyone 's idea of fun , but for the 24-year-old from Staindrop , County Durham , it 's a fascination that has turned into a living .
8 If frosts freeze water that has seeped into imperfect joints , the expansion will force them farther apart , with disastrous results .
9 10–17 Jesus violates the taboo against healing on the sabbath by healing a woman who has been bent over for many years , justifying this on the grounds that it is even more urgent to help a fellow human being , a woman , than to rescue an animal that has fallen into a ditch ( an exception allowed under the law ) .
10 The material that has fallen into the more massive of the two galaxies rekindles the quasar at its core .
11 Karajan 's devout acceptance of what there is proved to be the Fifth Symphony 's best bet , given the untold care and effort that has gone into the shaping of the minutest detail of phrasing and , indeed , colouristic effect .
12 They are all part of the advertising and marketing that the parties believe has an effect on the voters — while failing to notice that this effect is generally in inverse proportion to the amount of thought , work or effort that has gone into any individual contribution .
13 I must say I 'm most impressed with the thought that has gone into the design .
14 When you consider the relentless quest for the luxury that has gone into each and every one , the cost of purchasing such a lodge does not seem excessive .
15 The care and attention that has gone into the creation of this addition to the scenery makes the ‘ single-tailed ’ B–25 ( see page 18 ) all the more puzzling .
16 Books on railways are generally expensive in these inflated days but considering the amount of work that has gone into this volume and the specialist nature of the work then £7.95 represents excellent value .
17 The court has the power under section 214 of the Insolvency Act to impose personal liability on a director for the debts a company that has gone into liquidation where the director is guilty of ‘ wrongful trading ’ .
18 This brief contribution simply highlights the lack of research that has gone into the social , cultural and linguistic needs of the adult minorities .
19 As a former Minister with responsibility for the disabled , I am well aware of the immense amount of work and care that has gone into the care of the disabled .
20 All that tender loving care that has gone into the brickwork , the glasswork and much of the decoration has made the Pally sparkle again .
21 ‘ But we believe we will get this 90 percent right the thought that has gone into it has been enormous . ’
22 Well , I , I , I think it depends on the skill and the industry that has gone into the enterprise , but in itself it could be extremely interesting .
23 Profits were 50% up at passive components distributor Nortronic but Wakefield , the US networking equipment company that has moved into network systems integration , turned in a slightly lower contribution than last year because return of growth in the UK market has not enhanced the computer communications sector yet .
24 CHURCHMEN and intellectuals in East Germany , worried about the new , aggressive tone that has crept into the emotional issue of reunification , yesterday warned against confrontation and called for a temporary end to mass street demonstrations .
25 Having taken office in May 1979 , the Conservative government made an early decision to amend the long-standing arrangements for meeting the increasing costs of public sector higher education by limiting the size of the ‘ pool ’ for the financial year of 1980–1 , and an Education Bill was placed before Parliament giving the Secretary of State for Education the necessary power to predetermine the size of , or in the phrase that has crept into common usage , to ‘ cap ’ the pool .
26 The title of this work suggests that it is an essay in the sociology of transport , a subject that has crept into some degree and other courses at University level .
27 The area deserved a better treatment : I had not done justice to a part of northern England where I had wandered as a youngster and often visited later , developing an affection that has persisted into old age .
28 Right : A tropical chiggoe flea that has burrowed into the sole of a foot , gorged itself , laid eggs and been squeezed out , having grown from less than one millimetre wide to more than a centimetre .
29 Go and do it in the corner , ’ said one Glasgow mother to her child , in a story that has passed into the folklore of the Second World War .
30 ‘ Mental handicap ’ is the term that has come into general usage to describe a condition of arrested or incomplete development of mind .
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