Example sentences of "that [verb] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 FIVE local girls have been included in the Irish Women 's waterpolo squad that plays Scotland at the Drumchaple pool in Glasgow on October 2 .
2 Pete designs some of his own gates , like this imaginative entrance that plays tricks with perspective .
3 ‘ John King always advocates playing football and that 's why I like to go to Tranmere , my local club , and see a team that plays football from the back ; it 's great to watch .
4 or Anchises that laid hold of her flanks of air
5 Moreover , Schell et al. ( 1989 ) point out that it is now possible to engineer plants , by introducing B. thuringiensis genes encoded for toxin production , that develop resistance to tobacco hornworm ( Manduca sexta ) and the large white butterfly ( Pieris brassicae ) .
6 Cataclysmic first quarter figures from MIPS Computer Systems Inc — a loss of $12.7m on sales that plunged 46% to $23.7m underline how much the company needs rescuing by Silicon Graphics Inc .
7 The former is making quite a name for itself , as it works well under Windows and as its device driver can be set up as a ‘ printer device ’ within Windows , the output of almost any Windows application that produces output to a printer , can be ‘ diverted ’ and sent as a FAX .
8 The lexical analyser ( which includes morphological processing ) has been designed to accept input in the form of a character lattice ( see Appendix C ) , so this can work with any recogniser that produces output in this format .
9 Sitting in a traffic jam with such a car alongside is a contemporary purgatory that produces reactions in me that bode no good for the future of the human race and make me a menace on the roads for minutes afterwards .
10 The person selected will spend approximately eight weeks with the RSC 's news publications department in London , working with the team that produces Chemistry in Britain and Education in Chemistry .
11 Overlooking the village green , in a pretty conservation village , this fine Victorian house has a half-acre garden , two greenhouses ( one has a vine that produces heaps of succulent black grapes ) , a sunken-terraced garden with lily pond and an affectionate three-legged cat .
12 It also exonerates the community from taking on some of these tasks — caring for the elderly , the chronically sick and the disabled , and it is this aspects of the emphasis on family responsibility that produces scepticism about the motivation of exponents of active citizenship : it is seen as a substitute for the state 's responsibility for the social element of the citizenship of entitlement .
13 Currently lending support to and ‘ cheer-leading ’ Bristol 's Massive Attack , Neneh believes that dance music in the Nineties is ‘ gon na to clear ’ , but her attitude to her own music is relaxed .
14 Excess is insidious because at the time it seems a bonus but later on it can be an expense that diverts resources from development areas .
15 A filter question is one that diverts respondents past a question sequence if it is irrelevant to them .
16 These will be the ones that scavenge energy from their particular surroundings most efficiently , and use it to repair and augment their own bodies , and to produce facsimiles of themselves .
17 It is the constellation of those beliefs , attitudes and values that influence sub-groups in society to behave differently from the generally expected norms of behaviour .
18 Similarly , moderate versions of indeterminism ( especially the classical version ) allow a degree of predictability : although we are seen as making free choices , this does not preclude the specification of circumstances that influence choices in a particular direction .
19 Suffixes that influence stress in the stem
20 That was the question that haunted Merrill with a nagging sense of something left unfinished , unsatisfactory …
21 Only take registered cabs home , i.e. ones that display licences in the cab and that can be telephoned to book your ride .
22 Thus , in many post–1923 paintings there is a heightened realism that borders on the photographic , as is evident in the large-format flower paintings she began to making in 1924. 18 By so changing the apparent concerns of her art , O'Keeffe intended to end criticism that centered speculations about the meaning of her imagery around the fact that she was a woman artist expressing emotions that had not visual precedents — which was , of course , the way Stieglitz had promoted her from the beginning .
23 Its effect is that states in the tails of the distribution N(e) become traps that confine electrons to limited regions of the semiconductor .
24 The Solar Two project at Barstow , California , is a successor to a 10 MW power plant that ceased operations in 1988 .
25 The Quaker mine-owners could hardly avoid the site 's exposure to the ravages of moorland weather , but they provided for the welfare of their employees , with sick pay and adult education schemes that became models for other employers .
26 It was a letter about her daily life , her family , her children and grandchildren , ‘ a precious human exchange ’ delicately penned by someone whom he had never met , from a country that he had hardly heard of , ‘ that became part of my flesh … a symbiosis developing between the correspondent and the prisoner ’ .
27 A determination to rein in the president also lay behind the Case Act that became law in 1972 .
28 The plastic went off with a smack of solid air that stabbed pain into his ears and moved the container next to him .
29 It 's tough work staging the Battle of Edgehill , with an eye for authenticity and tough on the props that bring realism to a 350 year old battle .
30 Within the brain it is usually only 1 mm or less , but the cell bodies of the neurons that bring information to the brain from the skin lie close to the spinal cord , so in a whale or dinosaur the dendrites could be 10,000 mm long , and this also applies to the axons of the motor fibres , which carry commands from the spinal cord telling the muscles to contract .
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